Tuesday 28 May 2019

Hindutva is the base of Indian Democracy!

Hindutva is the base of Indian Democracy! 

Hindutva is a liberal thought, a human friendly religion, a "VASUDHAVAYA KTUMBKAM" thought. 

Your Godhead is the proof of God himself. – Vivekananda.

With all respect for all human being, I want to state that only due to Hidutva India is a secular country. 

Not only after independence from British rule, but even before British or Muslim rule India was a liberal country.

whether it’s the question of religion, social, cultural or economic ground. 

Muslims came and settle in Kalikat in Kerala because its Hindu king permitted them and first mosque was built by that Hindu king in 7 - 8 century. 

Santana or Hindu Dharma never objected anyone to follow her/ his Dharma.

Muslims are one example. From ancient period invaders attacked and settled in India only due to liberal Hindu society. 

From Greek, Bactria, Huns, Mongols, Arabs, all came as invader and gradually settled here without affecting the basic character of Hindu people. 

No effect or can say less effect can be seen in this regard on the majority Hindu population. 

Due to which gradually they settled and mixed with Hindu society. 

One more thing happened with them either they accepted Hindu Dharma with love like Greek, Bactria and Huns etc.

Or accepted many rituals of Hindu Dharma as Muslim did. 

They accepted many rituals of Hindu marriages, food habit and many social customs.

Muslim women in India use vermilion in marriages and many other local marriage rituals are followed in different parts of country.

Sufism flourished only in India and only due to liberal Hindu culture and society.

There are millions of examples regarding this. 
Why Pakistan became a religious state (theocracy). 
Hindu never fought a Crusade. 

Thursday 23 May 2019

India always believed in one leadership.

India always believed in one leadership. During Nehru he was the tallest leader.

During Indira, she was the tallest leader dispit Atal je was a great orator too. 

This is the period of Narendra modi and he is the tallest leader of our period. 

And its good for nation.  

The whole world is selecting or electing south paw party and leaders means hardliners. 

Seems middle path has lost its charm all over world among its public.

And this is the reason tension is growing world over. 

Saturday 18 May 2019

Buddha Purnima or Buddha's Birth Day

Pictures from Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India

Today is Buddha Purnima Day. 

On this day, Buddhists celebrate the commemoration of the birth of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, thought to have lived in India from 563 B.C. to 483 B.C. 

He is also known as 9th Avatara (incarnation) of Vishnu by Hindus as by born he was a Hindu and Chatriya or Rajput.

Although Buddhists regard every full moon as sacred. 

The moon of the month of Vaisakh has special significance because on this day the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment (nirvana), and attained parinirvana (nirvana-after-death of the body) when he died.

Traditions of Buddha Purnima. - 

Shakyamuni Buddha was the son of the king of the Shakyas, a small clan whose kingdom was located at the foothills of the Himalayas, south of what is now central Nepal, fifteen miles from Kapilavastu. 

Shakya of Shakyamuni is taken from the name of this tribe and muni means sage or saint. 

His family name was Gautama (Best Cow) and his given name was Siddhartha (Goal Achieved) though some scholars say this is a title bestowed on him by later Buddhists in honour of the enlightenment he attained.

Even though many Buddhists observe Buddha's historical birth on 8th April, the exact date remains in question. 

Although modern archaeological and historical research confirms that Prince Siddartha Gotama lived around this time.

On Buddha Purnima, people dress in white clothes and give out kheer (a rice pudding) as, according to legend, a woman named Sujata once offered Gautam Buddha kheer on his birthday and it has since become a tradition.

The dharmacakra or dharma wheel is a symbol often seen during Vaisakh. 

It is a wooden wheel with eight spokes. 

The wheel represents Buddha's teaching on the path to enlightenment. 

The eight spokes symbolize the noble eightfold path of Buddhism.

What Do People Do?

Many Buddhists visit temples on Vaisakh to listen to monks give talks and recite ancient verses. 

Devout Buddhists may spend all day in one or more temples. 

Some temples display a small statue of Buddha as a baby. 

The statue is placed in a basin filled with water and decorated with flowers. 

Visitors to the temple pour water over the statue. 

This symbolizes a pure and new beginning.

Many Buddhists pay special attention to Buddha's teachings during Vaisakh. 

They may wear white robes and only eat vegetarian food on and around Vaisakh. 

Many people also give money, food or goods to organizations that help the poor, the elderly and those who are sick. 

Caged animals are bought and set free to display care for all living creatures, as preached by Buddha.

Friends to follow his middle path is the best gift we can give to Buddha and the world.Buddha taught 4 noble truths.

They are - 

(a). – There is suffering in the world.

(b). - This suffering has a cause.

(c). – The cause is desire, and

(d). – It is possible to put an end to suffering, if desire is removed.

Buddha prescribed the 8 fold path. These are - 

(A). – Right View,

(B). – Right Resolution,

(C) - Right Words,

(D) - Right Action,

(E). – Right Living,

(F). – Right Effort,

(G). – Right Thinking, and 

(H). – Right Concentration.

Buddha stressed upon the importance of “Middle Path” and said that one should avoid the 2 extremes of strict abstinence and self denial for spiritual discipline and too much indulgence in worldly pleasures. 

He preached for Ahimnsa (Non - Violence).

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Mahabharta - An Epic.


The writing of Mahabharata went through 3 steps

First it was written and known as “Jay”, the number of sloka was 8,800. It was the collection of stories of Victory.

 Second time it is written by the name of “Bharat” and the number of sloka went up by 24,000. 

The name changed to ‘Bharat’, because in it the history of Vedic”Bharat” Kul is written.

 Third and final edition came by the name as “Mahabharata” and the number of sloka got its final touch 1, 00,000.
Another name of ‘Mahabharata’ is “Satsahastri Sanhita” (Collection of 10 million or 1 lakh sloka). 

Now it became the story of Greater India - Mahabharta.

Mahabharata is written by Ved Vyasa. Most scholars say that the war of ‘Mahabharta’ was fought in between BC ‘2000 – 1000’. 

First time the book of ‘Mahabharata’ is mentioned in ‘Ashwalayan Guha sutra’. 

‘Sankhayan Guha sutra’ mentions the name of Mahabharata preacher ‘Vasampayan’ ‘Jamini’ etc.

Scholars say that Ramayana is composed around 600 BC. 

In that case Macdonald says that Mahabharta is composed around 500 BC.  

Today in Mahabharta there is 1, 00,000 slokas. But in the beginning in it, there were only 8,8,00 slokas.

In 700 AD, a writer – scholar ‘Kumaril’ mentions “Mahabharta” as a great Smriti

Scholar – writer ‘Ban’ mentions ‘Mahabharta” as a great Epic. 

Another Inscription of 600 AD found in “Cambodia” mentions ‘Mahabharta’ as a religious book

Many Inscriptions of 5th and 6th century AD found time to time in India mentions ‘Mahabharta’.

New editions of ‘Mahabharta’ which came in between 300 AD to 100 AD describes about Temples and Stupa’s.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Why Sesame Seed Oil Is Known As the Queen of Oils. Last Part.


Teen boys and girls have learned, wrongly, that all oil is bad for their facial skin. 

Heavy oils and toxic oils and creams are bad for all facial skin. 

But sesame seed oil is the one oil which is actually good for young skin.
It helps control eruptions and neutralizes the poisons which develop both on the surface and in the pores.

With sesame oil, no cosmetics are needed. 

The oil will cause young facial skin to have and display natural good health.

Used on baby skin, particularly in the area covered by a diaper, sesame seed oil will protect the tender skin against rash caused by the acidity of body wastes.

In the nose and ears, it will protect against common skin pathogens.

How to do ABHAYANGA –

Abhyanga (ah-bee-yanga) is one of many massage routines established by Ayurveda, the four thousand year old health system from India. 

Ayurveda says that a daily full-body massage (self or from another) .

For children going to school, who will be in the presence of other children with colds and sniffles, sesame seed oil swabbed in the nose can protect against air borne viruses and bacteria.

When using the oil as massage oil, stroke the long limbs up and down. 

Use circular motions over all joints to stimulate the natural energy of those joints.

Take one tablespoon of Raw Sesame Oil orally without swallowing.

The oil is slowly swished in the mouth and drawn through the teeth for fifteen to twenty minutes. 

It is thoroughly chewed and mixed with saliva.   

Sesame seeds contain the compounds sesamin and sesamolin, which may help lower blood pressure and protect the liver. 

The fiber in sesame can help prevent constipation. 

Sesame seeds are a good source of vitamin E. 

They also contain vitamin B1, iron, magnesium and other minerals.

Sesame oil is a nutrient-dense food. 

It contains about 120 calories in 1 tablespoon. 

Fat provides all its calories, with a total of 13.5 grams per tablespoon. 

According to the American Heart Association about 2 grams of sesame fat are saturated, and the remainder is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. 

These two types of fat may help keep your blood cholesterol in a healthy range when you consume them regularly. 

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center Sesame oil also provides a specific type of polyunsaturated fat called omega-3 fatty acid, an essential fatty acid that you must obtain from food. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally anti-inflammatory and may help lower your risk of arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.

1 tablespoon-serving of sesame oil contains about 40 milligrams of these fatty acids.

As mentioned, sesame seeds have a fabulous nutritional profile, granting their capabilities in fighting, preventing, and reversing illness and disease. 

The seeds are especially high in copper, manganese, calcium, and magnesium. 

But the value doesn’t end there. 

Here are some notable vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you can expect to find in a 1 ounce (28g) serving of sesame seeds.

Manganese – 0.7 mg, 35% RDA, Copper – 0.7 mg, 35% RDA, Calcium – 277 mg 28% RDA, Iron – 4.1mg23% RDA, Magnesium – 99.7 mg, 25% RDA, Zinc – 2 mg 13$ RDA, Fiber 3.9 mg 16% RDA, Protein  - 4.7 g,, Vitamin B6 – 0.2 mg, 11% RDA, Thiamin – 0.2 mg, 15% RDA etc.

Sesame seeds are great for high Protein vegetarian diet. 

Its seeds offer 4.7 grams of protein per ounce (3 tea spoon).

There are endless benefits of tinny Sesame seeds and its pure oil. Use it, live happily.
                                              The End.

Friends my book "ROOTS INDIA" is coming in this month.  In this book one will get an Ancient Indian Literature from Veda, its Peri...