Friday 21 June 2019

Education and Health services must be given priority world wide.

          In Bhutan, teachers, medical staff will now be highest paid civil servants.

A great decision of the king of Bhutan that teachers, medical staff will now be highest paid civil servants. 

One built future of nation and mankind and the other maintain the present and Future of nation. 

What our country is doing?

There was a time when we had Nalanda, Taxila universities, Vikaramshilla. 

Now we have nothing. 

If we really want to be world leader we have to invest in education and health. 

There must be UPSC examination for teachers. 

Only top quality will be permitted to join that job and their salary will be at par. 

Bhutan is the best example. Weldon Bhutan. 

Why we are ignoring quality education? 

We have only quantity education. 

After 10th class, education must be only for those who have class , potential. 

And only teacher will be permitted to judge her/ his students. 

Country must free education from the clutches of government - state (providence) or nation. 

Give prominent scholars to take charge of different bodies with new name as was before British rule. 

Each body should be made premier in few courses as was in our past gradually they will develop in other courses on higher level. 

Till then, use those who have qualified minimum UPSC Preliminary Test. 

Time is running out. Don't play with nation's future.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Ashoka Lion Pillar.

This image of Lion was built in Emperor Ashoka period. 

It is built on 44 feet tall single piece of sand stone pillar and is polished in glass like shine. 

More than 30 pillars were made of sand stone and were taken all over India and paced in his entire empire.

Think what amount of labour and technology was used to built and in its transportation. 

The national emblem of India and a mark of Emperor Ashoka's visit to Sarnath, this 50 m tall Sarnath pillar crafted out of a stone is an impressive structure with four lions on top. 

I have seen them in Sarnath and Vaishali. 

These mighty pillars himself says its story.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

5 June, Environment Day

                                                                   Himalayan Busk


                                                            No water, No pond

                                                          I am a old tree of the forest

                        Dry Kanwar Lake, Asia's biggest sweet water lake in Bihar in Ganges bed.

Friends today is 5 June, Environment Day, but whose environment day?
Nature, Human Mind, Leaders, Officers, Businessman, Common man or everyone means in totality environment is danger? 

I am saying this because every year slogan appears "save environment", but from whom? 

Without knowing the enemy how we can take action? 

We can't shoot arrows in air. And what we get with these only slogans, Seminars in big hotels, Government functions, Lectures, and Articles in News Papers, Magazines, and debates on TV Channels with all big knowledge. 

Are these really useful?

Many promises came from many big guns but nothing happened. 

People's rotten mind can't take decisions in favour of Nature they see only money; accruing wealth is there only wish and greed. 

And without operation you can't cut out rotten parts of mind which is Cancerous. 

In the name of environment controlling a big chunk of money has been invested by our government but the result is siffer. Why? Because no one wants to listen, the reason is already mentioned above.

Rivers a few name like Ganga, Yamuna, Gomati, Narmada, Sone and many more are drying or dyeing? 

Every year ground water and underground water is going down. 

RO water, Bottle water are only greedy business. Why government is not taking action upon this ?

Why we are cutting mountains and plateaus in the name of development? 

I myself have seen many small plateaus are no more which were 20 years before in their areas. 

During my tours I have found that we have badly misused the nature for our greed and government (officers and leaders) knowingly are silent. 

Disturbing the balance of the nature environment is getting affected. 

And it’s not happening at one place worldwide its happening. 

Which is affecting the climate and we are crying – GLOBAL WARMING. 

As in a story a shepherd boy cries false Wolf came, Wolf came and people came to rescue him seeing this he laughed and villagers went back in anger, but when one day in reality a WOLF came, the boy cried loudly but no one came to rescue him and he was killed. 

Is this not happening with ‘SAVE ENVIRONMENT’ and going days and years people will close their eyes its noting but a simple slogan and it’s of no use because nothing is happening concrete on ground level which can be a mile stone.

Even in agriculture there must be a strict order that CROPS will be shown only according to the area with water capability. 

The area which has less water can’t be permitted to sow Rice, Sugarcane, Cotton, Jute etc. 

Jungles have been chopped off. Forest fire are harming too.
Few days before I saw on face book that – “India sets Guinness World Record, plants 66 million trees in just 12 hours in Madhya Pradesh”.
It’s great but tells me -
What a joke? 66 million trees have been planted or Saplings. 

In Himalaya in the name of making roads and modern facilities we are cutting Trees which are hundreds of years old and endangering our Himalaya with it all the rivers which coming from Himalaya. 

We are making entire South Asia or Indian Sub Continent in danger. 

If we want our Future safe for our children, for our Flora Fauna, for Mother Earth, for Human life and Animals we must have to take tough step.

Any order and decision comes from above it works like PYRAMID. 

Likewise any obeying of order works like PYRAMID too. 

Hope we will take step in right manner with tough iron hand.

I believe our democratic Top posts. 


Saturday 1 June 2019

Agreement or Girmit Bhojpuri laborers who settled Mauritius, Fiji, Dutch Guiana, Suriname, West Indies etc with their Blood.



Agreement or Girmit Bhojpuri laborers who settled Mauritius, Fiji, Dutch Guiana, Suriname, West Indies etc with their Blood.

अग्रीमेंट बोलना नहीं आता था, शब्द मुश्किल था क्यूंकि अंग्रेजी का था, वो भोजपुरी और अवधी बोलने वाले लोग थे, तो उन्होंने उसका अपभ्रंश गिरमिट कर दिया।

They didn’t know how to pronounce ‘agreement’ as it was a difficult English word, they were Bhojpuri and Awadhi speaking people so they modified it to Girmit for their ease of pronouncing it.

These girmit laborers settled Mauritius, Fiji, Dutch Guiana, Suriname, West Indies etc. 

They were taken there by British companies like East India company on the ground that life is beautiful there and ground is full of Gold and they are going only for few years. 

Once they earned they will be back. 

But this was not the truth. 

They were laden in ships in Kolkatta like animals - goats and sheeps.

During their painful month long journey many dead in the ships and were thrown in the sea. 

Those who survived were left on their luck. 

They had to work hard for their Masters company because they were bounded labour.

Only due to their hard labour and the name of God they survived the torturous life and made that country a living place which the world is seeing now. 

In this journey they never left their belief in Ramayana and Mahabharata. 

Even today in their songs these Girmit people remember their relatives of India, pain, hardship, torture and their Mother Land, Ganga, Yamuna and many more things with tears in their eyes.

These countries were torture camps for them. 

Only death gives them freedom. 

Those who were without family married eligible ones. 

Barrier of cast broke down, because all of them were facing same torture and disrespect. 

So they were Indian's only named as "Girmit Labour". 

With their hard labour and knowledge they developed these nations.

Folk songs were on their lips and they always remembered their relation with India and their birth land.

That's why when they got independence they tried hard to come to India in search of their forefathers land and their relation.

Many found that one. Those found got great welcome with tears in their eyes. 

And those who didn't find are still trying. 

Each year many comes to meet their relatives. 

Due to their hard work and knowledge they are leading those nations.

Friends my book "ROOTS INDIA" is coming in this month.  In this book one will get an Ancient Indian Literature from Veda, its Peri...