Saturday 26 June 2021

Friends my book "ROOTS INDIA" is coming in this month. 

In this book one will get an Ancient Indian Literature from Veda, its Period, Indian Education System, Women Status and Marriage in Indian Society. Ancient Nalanda University, Dharma with its definition, Yog Mudra, Rudraksha, first man made cave, Chola temples, Temples of Kashmir, Jyotirlinga Jageshwar from the eyes of a traveler, Mahabodhi Temple, Amarnath a travelogue, festivals of India.

In Charak and Sushurata Samhita these Sanskara are mentioned. Those who are studying Ayurveda in Ayurvedic medical colleges, they are also studying and learning   some of these Sanskara and later they practice it in their profession. This shows the merit of these Sanskara, their scientific value and acceptance. Charak and Sushurata Samhita is much renounced book of Ayurveda. How these 16 Sanskara, which are scientific in nature can help one can get a healthy life, purposeful marriage and intelligent, healthy and unmatched child. These are treasure of human being of the world and everyone must know and follow it in her/his life.  


And who doesn’t know about Rudraksha? Here in this book I have opened many secrets of this great Rudraksha. Yog gesture (mudra) is another ancient knowledge of India which is very useful and relevant in modern day’s life style.

I am already working on a mythological novel on Ram.  

One will find this book on AMAZON, FLIPKART etc. Hope I will get your love as usual.


Wednesday 29 July 2020

Group of Owls are known as Parliament.

Owls are generally solitary, but when seen together the group is called a “parliament” as they have long been considered to be of a wise disposition in west. 
In Greek mythology, the owl is the symbol for Athena, the goddess of wisdom. 
In India the meaning of Owl is just reverse.

उल्लू अधिकतर एकान्त में रहना पसंद करते हैं पर जब इन्हे समूह में देखा जाता है तो उस समूह को अन्ग्रेजी भाषा में 'पार्लियामेंट आफ़् आउल्स्' (parliament of owls) कहा जाता है।

भारत के सन्दर्भ् में यह बात बुरी लग सकती है क्यूँकि भारत में उल्लु का एक अर्थ मूर्ख है।
पर कईं पाश्चात्य देशों में उल्लू को बुद्धिमान माना जाता हैं। 

ग्रीक मिथक में उल्लू को देवी एथेना जो की ज्ञान की देवी हैं का प्रतीक माना जाता है। 
इसलिए उल्लुओं के समूह को 'पार्लियामेंट आफ़् आउल्स्' (parliament of owls) कहा जाता है और इसे अपमानजनक नहीं माना जाता।

Sunday 19 July 2020


Battle of Dewar (1606) – 

It was fought in a valley 40 km from Kumbhalgarh. 

Rana Amar Singh defeated and killed Sultan Khan, the Mughal prince Muhammad Parviz fled from the battlefield with his commander Asaf Khan.

It so happened that distressed by the bravery of the Maharana, Akbar sent a 1, 00,000 of army in 1582 to suppress Maharana. Maharana Pratap motivated his soldiers to fight back and make Mewar independent. 

The battle of Dewar was full of unimaginable bravery and valour. 

It is a saga of sacrifice for the fight of freedom and in self believes. 

With a small army Maharana defeated grand army of Mughals and they surrendered before him.

Maharana made a plan in the mountains of Aravelly for the battle of Dewar and implemented the strategy accordingly. 

In 1582, on the occasion of Dushara (Vijayadeshmi) Maharana Pratap divided Mewar army in two parts. 

One part was under Kunwar (Prince) Amar Singh, the eldest son of Maharana and second part was with Maharana Pratap himself. 

The Mewar army attacked the grand army of Mughals. 

They attacked the Mughal post and fort at Dewair or Dewar.

Prince Amar Singh attacked the Mughal commander Sultan Khan, the uncle of Akbar. 

During the war young Amar Singh threw his spear upon the Mughal commander in such a speed that the spear perished the commander and his horse killing together and bolted in the earth. 

The rider and the horse became a statue.

In another action Mughal commander Bahlol Khan came to attack Maharana Pratap from behind. 

Maharana saw him and channelized his whole energy for one massive stroke and as soon as Bahlol Khan came nearby he struck him with his one blow of sword and chopped him down along with his horse in two pieces.

Seeing the speed and ferocity of the attack and the condition of his commander Mughal army left the field. The Mughal army was chased up to Ajmer. 

Mughals got humiliating defeat resulting in the flight of the Mughal soldiers. 36,000 Mughal soldiers surrendered in front of Maharana Pratap and Prince Amar Singh. 

This led to the automatic liquidation of all 36 Mughal military outposts in Mewar. 

Maharana captured the fort of Gogunda, Kumbhalgarh, Bassi, Chawand, Jawar, Madariya, Mohi, Mandlagarh and many more total 36 in numbers. 

Only Chittorgarh was left behind. 90% of Mewar was captured and made independent.

After this defeat, Akbar stopped his military campaigns against Mewar. 

The victory of Dewair was a crowning glory for Maharana Pratap. 

Maharana Pratap took control of his kingdom. 

Even Mughal convoy had to pay tax to Maharana. 

Other business convoy those used to go to Gujarat via Mewar pay taxes to Maharana. 

Historian Colonel James Tod has described the battle of Dewar as the "Marathon of Mewar".

Thursday 16 July 2020


                      Maharana Pratap killing Bahlol Khan with his horse in two pieces.

                                                Amar Singh, son of Maharana Pratap

         “Akbar never won, Maharana Pratap never lost”

Maharana Pratap is the ruler of Mewar which includes 

modern day – Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Rajsamand, Udaipur,

Pirawa (Jhalawar), Neemach and Mandsaur (in today’s MP) 

and some part of Gujarat.

Pratap Singh I, popularly known as Maharana Pratap, is the 

13th RANA of Mewar, a region in north-western India in the 

present-day state of Rajasthan. 

He was born on 9th May, 1540 AD in Kumbhalgarh Fort and 

and dead on 19 January, 1597 at Chawand fort at the age of 

56 was the eldest son of Maharana Udai Singh II and 

Maharani Jaiwanta Bai.

Maharana Pratap Singh was 7.5 feet or 2.26 meter tall with 

110 kg weight, a massive man. He used to carry a spear 

weighing 80 kg, 2 swords of 50 kg and his armour is 72 kg.

This way he is one of the strongest warriors of India. 

Maharana Pratap’s Armour, Swords etc are safely preserved 

in the Udaipur Royal family museum. 
Historian Satish Chandra wrote - 
“Rana Pratap's defiance of the mighty Mughal empire, almost alone and unaided by the other Rajput states, 
constitute a glorious saga of Rajput valour and the spirit of 
self sacrifice for cherished principles. Rana Pratap's 
methods of sporadic warfare were later elaborated further by 
Malik Ambar, the Deccani general, and by Shivaji Maharaj”.

Following Haldighati battle, Maharana retired into jungles in

southern Mewar and from there he returned to Kumbhalgarh 

fort and continued his struggle. Maharana later had many 

big and small successes like winning battles of Dewar, and 


After the battle of Haldighati or Haldi valley, only 7000 

soldiers were left with the Maharana. And in a short time the 

Mughals had authority over Kumbhalgarh, Gogunda, 

Udaipur and surrounding areas. 

The treasury of Maharana Pratap Bhama shah and his 

brother Tarachand Malwa presented twenty five lakh rupees 

of and two thousand ashfarias (gold coin) to Maharana. By 

giving this big amount Bhamashah serve the Mewar state. 

25 thousand soldiers could be given the logistics for 12 

years. Maharana again started to organize his army and in a 

short time a 40,000 powerful army came in light.

After this incident, Maharana Pratap highly respected 

Bhamashah and planned to attack Dewar. In 1582 AD, 

Dewair in particular was Maharana’s greatest success 

against Akbar in which Mewar army defeated the Mughals 


Maharana had changed his war strategy from frontal battle 

to Guerrilla warfare. This paid dividend to his fight against 

big Mughal armies. Seeing this Maharana used “guerrilla 

warfare” completely and the Mughals never allowed 

settlement in Mewar. 

Before the battle of Dewar Akbar 6 times sent his army to

capture or kill Maharana in Mewar. In 1577 he sent Raja 

Bhagwan Das Kachwaha of Amer with Amer prince 

Mansingh, along with Sayed Hashim, Sayed Kasim, and 

Shahbaz Khan Etc. with a big army. But the result was not 


In 1578 Akbar sent Raja Bhagwan Das Kachwaha of Amer 

with Amer prince Mansingh, along with Shahbaz Khan and 

Kazi Khan Badkashi.

In 1579 Mughal army was sent under Shahbaz Khan to

conquer Mewar but in vain.

Again in 1580 Mughal army went to capture or kill Maharana 

but returned back empty hand. This time Abdul Rahim 

Khankhana was leading the Mughal army.

Battle of Dewar -  

In his book Colonel James Tod describes Haldighati as 

“Thermopile of Mewar” and called ‘battle of Dewar’ as 

“Marathon of Mewar”.

The Marathon war 490 BC was fought in a place Marathon 

in Greece. The war took place during second Persian

invasion of Greece. It was fought between the citizens of 

Athens, aided by Plataea and a Persian force commanded 

by Datis and Artaphernes. That time Darius 1 was the king 

of Persia. Persia was defeated by Greece though Persian 

had big army.

Colonel James Tod writes that, “The Maharana and his 

army were as brave as Spartans; they were knowing combat 

skills, courageous, had great determination, undaunted 

heroism and were not afraid to face even 4 times big army in 

the battle field”.

Western historians call ‘Battle of Dewar’ as the second 

part of ‘Battle of Haldighati’. In this battle Mughal emperor 

Akbar got tremendous defeat in the hands of Maharana 

                             Rest in next part

Sunday 5 July 2020


                                                        AUM in Bali

                                                   AUM in Chinese

AUM – This is the First word of Lord God which is being pronounced by him and by which Life begins. 

It is a very spacious word. AUM, AMEN, HUM all have same meaning.Its not for any Dharma or religion it’s for the Universe or can say for COSMOS. 

When one gets the knowledge of AUM, nothing is Rest. AUM is Brahma or complete knowledge.
Aum () is the vibration by which the Supreme Spirit brings all things into manifestation. 

It is the Holy Ghost of the Christian Trinity.

Paramhansa Yogananda has explained that everything — all matter, all energy, all thoughts — exists in Aum.

[ref]The Essence of Self-Realization, by Paramhansa Yogananda. Chapter 16, “Ways in Which God Can Be Worshipped.”

All major religions recognize this creative vibration, though they call it by different names. 

For example, the Bible calls it “Amen” (its meaning in Hebrew being sure, faithful) as well as “Holy Ghost.” 

St. John called it the Word of God (“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” —John 1:1 – 3).

It is the sacred word “Amin” (which means faithful in Arabic) of the Muslims.  

Tibetans call it “Hum.”

[ref]Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda (1946 Edition). 
Chapter 26, “The Science of Kriya Yoga”.[/ref]

3rd  AUM in Bali,

4th AUM in Chinese.  

ऊँ गुरूवे नमः

Tuesday 30 June 2020

भगवान् कृष्ण का हृदय आज तक सुरक्षित है जो भगवान् जगन्नाथ की काठ की मूर्ति के अंदर रहता है और उसी तरह धड़कता है !

भगवान् कृष्ण ने जब देह छोड़ा तोह उनका अंतिम संस्कार किया गया !

उनका सारा शरीर तो पांच तत्त्व में मिल गया लेकिन उनका हृदय बिलकुल सामान्य एक जिन्दा आदमी की तरह धड़क रहा था और वो बिलकुल सुरक्षित था ! 

उनका हृदय आज तक सुरक्षित है जो भगवान् जगन्नाथ की काठ की मूर्ति के अंदर रहता है और उसी तरह धड़कता है , ये बात बहुत कम लोग को पता है!

महाप्रभु का महा रहस्य

सोने की झाड़ू से होती है सफाई......।
महाप्रभु जगन्नाथ(श्री कृष्ण) को कलियुग का भगवान भी कहते है.... पुरी(उड़ीसा) में जग्गनाथ स्वामी अपनी बहन सुभद्रा और भाई बलराम के साथ निवास करते है... मगर रहस्य ऐसे है कि आजतक कोई न जान पाया!

हर 12 साल में महाप्रभु की मूर्ती को बदला जाता है!

उस समय पूरे पुरी शहर में ब्लैकआउट किया जाता है यानी पूरे शहर की लाइट बंद की जाती है। 

लाइट बंद होने के बाद मंदिर परिसर को crpf की सेना चारो तरफ से घेर लेती है...उस समय कोई भी मंदिर में नही जा सकता...

मंदिर के अंदर घना अंधेरा रहता है...पुजारी की आँखों मे पट्टी बंधी होती है...पुजारी के हाथ मे दस्ताने होते है..वो पुरानी मूर्ती से "ब्रह्म पदार्थ" निकालता है और नई मूर्ती में डाल देता है...ये ब्रह्म पदार्थ क्या है आजतक किसी को नही पता...इसे आजतक किसी ने नही देखा. ..हज़ारो सालो से ये एक मूर्ती से दूसरी मूर्ती में ट्रांसफर किया जा रहा है...

ये एक अलौकिक पदार्थ है जिसको छूने मात्र से किसी इंसान के जिस्म के चिथड़े उड़ जाए... इस ब्रह्म पदार्थ का संबंध भगवान श्री कृष्ण से है...मगर ये क्या है ,कोई नही जानता... ये पूरी प्रक्रिया हर 12 साल में एक बार होती है...उस समय सुरक्षा बहुत ज्यादा होती है...

मगर आजतक कोई भी पुजारी ये नही बता पाया की महाप्रभु जगन्नाथ की मूर्ती में आखिर ऐसा क्या है ???

कुछ पुजारियों का कहना है कि जब हमने उसे हाथमे लिया तो खरगोश जैसा उछल रहा था...आंखों में पट्टी थी...हाथ मे दस्ताने थे तो हम सिर्फ महसूस कर पाए...

आज भी हर साल जगन्नाथ यात्रा के उपलक्ष्य में सोने की झाड़ू से पुरी के राजा खुद झाड़ू लगाने आते है...

भगवान जगन्नाथ मंदिर के सिंहद्वार से पहला कदम अंदर रखते ही समुद्र की लहरों की आवाज अंदर सुनाई नहीं देती! 

जबकि आश्चर्य में डाल देने वाली बात यह है कि जैसे ही आप मंदिर से एक कदम बाहर रखेंगे, वैसे ही समुद्र की आवाज सुनाई देंगी!

आपने ज्यादातर मंदिरों के शिखर पर पक्षी बैठे-उड़ते देखे होंगे, लेकिन जगन्नाथ मंदिर के ऊपर से कोई पक्षी नहीं गुजरता।

झंडा हमेशा हवा की उल्टी दिशामे लहराता है!

दिन में किसी भी समय भगवान जगन्नाथ मंदिर के मुख्य शिखर की परछाई नहीं बनती।

भगवान जगन्नाथ मंदिर के 45 मंजिला शिखर पर स्थित झंडे को रोज बदला जाता है! 

ऐसी मान्यता है कि अगर एक दिन भी झंडा नहीं बदला गया तो मंदिर 18 सालों के लिए बंद हो जाएगा!

इसी तरह भगवान जगन्नाथ मंदिर के शिखर पर एक सुदर्शन चक्र भी है, जो हर दिशा से देखने पर आपके मुंह आपकी तरफ दीखता है।

भगवान जगन्नाथ मंदिर की रसोई में प्रसाद पकाने के लिए मिट्टी के 7 बर्तन एक-दूसरे के ऊपर रखे जाते हैं, जिसे लकड़ी की आग से ही पकाया जाता है, इस दौरान सबसे ऊपर रखे बर्तन का पकवान पहले पकता है।

भगवान जगन्नाथ मंदिर में हर दिन बनने वाला प्रसाद भक्तों के लिए कभी कम नहीं पड़ता, लेकिन हैरान करने वाली बात ये है कि जैसे ही मंदिर के पट बंद होते हैं वैसे ही प्रसाद भी खत्म हो जाता है।

ये सब बड़े आश्चर्य की बात हैं..

आपको और आपके परिवार पर श्री जगन्नाथजी भगवान की कृपा बनी रहे ।

🚩 जय श्री जगन्नाथ 🚩

Friends my book "ROOTS INDIA" is coming in this month.  In this book one will get an Ancient Indian Literature from Veda, its Peri...