Wednesday 23 August 2017

History of First Man made cave part 2 in Barabar plateau (1000 - 1200 years older then Ajanta) in Bihar.

About 80 km from Patna, the state capital of Bihar and Patna Airport and 24 km north from historical town Gaya, its Airport and Railway station, 36 km from Bodhgaya and 10 km from Belaganj railway station there is a group of small plateaus which are commonly known as “Barabar”. Close to this is “Nagarjuna” plateau. 

Historically the whole plateau is important and has many natural caves too. Siddhsawarnath, Murli, Sandgiri are naturally beautiful plateau.

Siddheshwarnath – Upon the top of this plateau there is a small temple of “Siddheshwarnath or Lord Shiva” a Hindu God. The present temple is not very old but the ‘Linga’ is estimated of 7 – 8 century. 

Patal Ganga - There is a small lake in the foot of Siddheshwarnath surrounded by plateaus. History says that this lake was made by Great Emperor ‘Asoka’.  In the southern corner of the lake there are 2 steams which go under beneath the earth and after some distance again arise as a small fall. This fall is known as ‘Patal Ganga’

Barabar Cave – On the Southern end of the basin or dingle of Barabar plateau there is a large group of Black or Granite stones or plateau; they are 500 ft in length, in Breath 125 ft and 30 to 35 ft High. In this plateau there are some manmade caves these are in combination known as Barabar Caves. 4 caves were made in this Barabar plateau. 

These caves are known as Karn Chaupad, Sudama Khoh, Lomarshi cave and Visvamitra Hut or Visva Hut.

Karn Chaupad – On the North side of Barabar plateau there is a big cave. This cave is known as “Karn Chaupad” or Karn ke Gufa (cave). In local conversation it is also known as “Supiya Gufa”. In this cave there is a large rectangular room, its roof is Arch. On the western side of this room on the floor there is a platform which is 1 to 1: 1/2 ft high, in length 7: 1/2 ft, and in Breadth 2 :1/2 ft. Possibly this platform was made for the Monks, Sanayasi (Ascetic) etc. The whole room is wonderfully glossy and silken. It shines like a glass and one can see her/his face in it. The wall of the room is polished. This polish is not known. The Architect of this room is the classic example of ancient Indian technical knowledge in Architecture which made the solid structure and its mastery in Chemistry which made the chemical for its polish

Outside the entrance gate of the cave, on the western side there is an Inscription in 5 lines in Brahmi. This Inscription is of Emperor ‘Ashoka the Great’ period. Historical evidences, Carbon data also says that this Inscription and cave belongs to the period of Ashoka. 

In this cave one can get some evidences of Sunga (A Brahamn dynasty which came after Mayuran dynasty) period too. Outside of the cave gate, on the Eastern side of the wall of the cave; there are some pictures, which were being carved. These pictures are of Linga, and some figures which belong to Vedic culture.  

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