Tuesday 12 September 2017

Ancient Indian Literature, their Period and Historical importance . Part - 2.

Yajurveda or Adhvaru Veda

 Yajuh or Adhvaru means ‘Yajna’. In this Veda many types of Yajana and their laws, rules are written. These laws, rules of Yajana say how one can conduct these Yajana. Yajura Veda is also known as “Adhvaru veda” too.   

Yajurveda is divided into 5 branches. They are – 

1. Kathak, 2. Kapisthal,  3. Matrayani, 4, Tatriya, and 5. Vajesnaye.

There is no difference between first 4 branches of Yajurveda. These come under “Krishna Yajurveda”. 5th Vajesnaye Yajurveda comes under “Shukla Yajurveda
The person who performs Yajana with the Mantra of Yajurveda and calls God of that Mantra is known as “Hota”.

Atharva Veda – 

The composer of Atharva Veda is “Atharva Rishi (sage), so this Veda is known as ‘Atharva Veda’.

It has 20 chapters, in it there are 730 Hymns and about 6,000 Mantras. 1/6 of its Mantra is from Rigveda. Text 15 and 16 are in PROSE and rest are in POETRY. 

In each chapter there is a different Topic. Chapters of the book are - Brahma Gyan, Dharma, Social State, Uses of Medicine (Ayurvedic), Enemy Repression, Disease Prevention, and Talisman – Sorcery etc

When we analyse the subjects of the book, it becomes clear that in Atharva Veda there is ‘Association of Thoughts’ of Aryan and Non Aryan culture and society. Probably the conflict between Aryan and Non Aryan had come to an end during the Atharva Veda period. Both societies and culture were coming close to each other. 

Due to Association of Thoughts between Aryan and Non Aryan many low theories got supremacy and acceptance and were included in the Aryan culture and society.  But due to this social and cultural oneness between Aryan and Non Aryan; high value, Rituals broadness, Accuracy and social life, Philosophy of Aryan suffered and get shocked.

Due to this digestion Aryan culture got damaged heavily.  Actually when the Aryan – Non Aryan conflict settled, they started living in harmony on the basis of mutual ‘give and take’. 

The spirit of accommodation naturally elevated the religion, social and culture life of Non Aryan, but degraded the Vedic Religion, Culture, and Social life by introducing into it sorcery and witchcraft.

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