Thursday 9 November 2017

Ancient Indian Literature, their Period and Historical importance . Last Part - 10, Historical and Contemporary books. .

                                                       Chanakya - Chandragupta

Historical and Contemporary books  - 

1. Kautiliya’s (Chanakaya, Visnugupta) Arthsastra – Its period is 4th century BC.  The author of this book is Chanakaya, the Prime Minister of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya.

In it, one can get Political, Social, Economical and Cultural history of India of that time (from Magadha to Afghanistan).

2. Gargi Sanihita - It describes the Yavana attack (Saka, Kusana etc). Its period is 1stcentury AD.

3. Malvikaginimitram – This is a drama written by Kalidasha. Its period of composition is end of 4th century or the beginning of 5th century. War between Pusyamitra Sung and Yavana is described in this book.

4. Mudraraksha – It’s a pure political drama written by Visakhadatta (600 – 700 AD).The play is based on the conspiracy and war between Nanda and Chanakaya – Chandragupta which ended after the fall and Death of Nanda.

5. Harsacharitra – This book is written by Banabhatta (7th century AD). It gives details about the period of Harsa and his period, Political, Social, Cultural and Religious history of that time.

6. Kamandkiya Nitisastra – This book on Ethics is written by Kamandak (700 – 800 AD). This book throws light on that period, its custom, social behaviour etc.

7. Vrishapataya Arthsastra – Vrishapati has written this book on Arthsastra (900 – 1000 AD).In it too duty of a king, rule – regulation of a state. Duty of public etc is described.
This book is like Chanakaya’s Arthsastra.

8. Rajtarangini – This book is written by Kalhan (12th century).
This book throws light on the history of Kashmir of that time. Political, Social, Cultural and Economic condition of that time is described in this book.  

9. Gaudwaho – Vak Patiraj has written this book and is written in Prakrit. Victory of Kannauj king Yashoverma is described in this book.

10. Navsahahsankcharitra – Parimal has written this book, which throws light on Parmar dynasty.

11. Vikramankdevcharit – Bilhan has written this book. Kalayani’s Chalukaya dynasty is the subject of this book.

12. Panini’s Asthadhayai - Originally it’s a book of grammar of Sanskrit. But it also throws light on political condition of Pre Maurya and Maurya period.

This book also says about grammarian’s of past, which conforms that even in past books on grammar was written.

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