Tuesday 27 March 2018

Child Sexual Abuse: Social Media Campaign

It is important to start a social campaign in the Nation everywhere with everyone's participation  regarding CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE and MENSTRUATION from ground level to National Level.

And for this very source must be used from local, traditional system to Modern one.

Video, Photographs, Paintings, Slogans, Wall Paintings, and Posters etc can help a lot to give this campaign a new height.

The idea behind this is reach out to people, encouraging them to talk about Child Sexual Abuse and Menstruation normally and spreading the message to thousand others through the platform of social media.

Taboos and Myths surrounding menstruation (e.g. restrictions on entering the kitchen or temple, preparing certain foods, touching other people) make it difficult for Girls and Women to See menstruation as a natural phenomenon and talk about it. 

The negative impact of poor MHM is immense.

The problem that we have to trying to work out towards a positive atmosphere is –

70% of mothers consider menstruation 'dirty', perpetuating a culture of shame and ignorance.

8% of menstruating women in India use home-grown alternatives like old fabric, rags, sand, ash, wood shavings, newspapers, dried leaves, hay, and plastic.

63 million adolescent girls live in homes without toilet facilities.

Girls are typically absent for 20% of the school year due to menstruation, which is the second major reason, after household work, for girls to miss school.

70% increase in incidence of reproductive tract infections owing to poor menstrual hygiene.
                                                      The End.

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