Wednesday 5 July 2017

Cast Condition in Indian Education in India before British ruled Education system. Part - 2 (Final).

                           Education Open to All – All Cast, No Bar, No Rich, No Poor.

According to the Survey of Indigenous Education in the Province of Bombay (1820-1830), Brahmins constituted only 30% of the total scholars in that province.
Adam tells the same story about Bengal and Bihar. 

In the five districts he investigated, the total number of Hindu students was 22,957. Out of these 5,744 were Brahmins, or about 25%. Kayasthas were about 12%. 

Students belonging to 95 castes find representation in his Report. It includes 66 ChanDals, 20 Muchis, 84 Doms, 102 Kahars, and 615 Kurmis.
In spite of the claims of the missionaries, they did no better for the Hindu low-castes.

According to Adam's findings, Burdwan had 13 missionary schools, yet they had only 1 ChanDal student while the native schools had 60. 

The former had only 3 Doms and no Muchis while the latter had 58 and 16 respectively. 

Of the 760 pupils belonging to the lowest 16 castes, "only 86 were found in the missionary schools and the remaining number in native schools".
In teaching - as teachers, the Brahmins were even less represented. 

Out of a total of 2,261 teachers in these districts, Brahmins were only 208, or about 11%.

In this region Kayasthas were the teachers par excellence. They were 1,019 in number, or a little less than half the total. 

Other teachers belonged to other 32 castes. ChanDals had 6, Goalas had 5, Telis had 11; while Rajputs had only 2, and Chhatri and Kshetriya taken together had only 3.

The ‘Traditional Indian Education System’ shows that in India, the Primary and Higher Education was well organized, which was based on Ancient Tradition of India.

Primary schools were all over the country and were not for any particular class but for the common people. Higher education was also there.
Governor’s and officers like Adem, Munero, Alfinston, Thomson, and Latner were of the view thatTraditional Indian Education System’ is well organized and is good for the character development of Indian’s. We can introduce new things in it

But unfortunately this report was rejected and New Education was introduced for which we are still crying and which is still hunting like a Ghost to Indian’s.  

In 1821 world over, countries of East or West were less or equal in education to India, but due to this great destruction within 100 years in 1921 they reaches the top and Indian education was in the period of 1821.Due to this India became a backward country.
                                                            The End.

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