Thursday 27 July 2017

Rudraksha: - Its use, effect; its Care and Precaution.

Rudraksha beads are easy to wear. It can be worn by anybody irrespective of age, sex, caste and culture. Rudraksha is worn singly or in multiples in the various forms like Malas (garland), Rings, Pendants, bracelets or arm bands. It is not only worn by Hindus or saints but worn by men and women of all faiths and religions.

It has been used for different purposes. Common men wear it for healthy, happy and empowered life. Some wear it as ornament because of its unique beauty whereas sages & saints wear it to attain spiritual powers.
You just need to put it on as a jewel and make it part of your body. There are no taboos or restrictions on wearing except they need to be maintained and stored with purity and hygiene. Alongside alternate healing therapies, Rudraksha stands out as the most effective option irrespective of any caste, sex and religion.

Following tips will help to maintain sanctity and longitivity of the Rudraksha beads:- 

In short Does and Doesn’t about Rudraksha: -

Once you start wearing Rudraksha, wear it continuously throughout your life. Those who wear Rudraksha for few days and remove it for few days and wearing it again this method of wearing will not give maximum benefit.

 Rudraksha is best if worn in the black, yellow or white colored thread or it can be worn in silver, gold, copper and mixed metal. Wearing Rudraksha in metal wire or thread the effects are same.
Rudraksha should be worn after energizing. Most important thing while wearing Rudraksha for the first time , it should be worn on   Monday and before wearing at least chant the mantra " Om namaha shivaya " 9 times or 108 times whichever is feasible to the customers and think of the desire and problems to remove and wear it.

Rudraksha should not be shared / exchanged / transferred /from one person to another person after it has been worn.

Do not wear Rudraksha while going to funerals and brothels. This is the most important task to remember.

Always wear Rudraksha around the neck so that the beads touch the Heart area. This is most important because it will help to pass the energy of Rudraksha via soul to entire human body.

There is no harm in wearing Rudraksha during intercourse between couples and it has been proven by positive experiences by many couples. Those who would want to have children, according to their wish either husband/wife can wear Rudraksha to enhance the function.

Important: - Never show your Rudraksha once you have started wearing. Exposing or showing Rudraksha gives benefits to others as well who touched or view it. Because you are wearing Rudraksha for yourself so it’s best to keep it hidden.

Make Rudraksha a part of your body. Wear it daily like cloths and don't think and give too much attention to it, you will find more effects.

Any type of dietary habits like Non veg., Veg., alcohol and smoking doesn't decreases or give harm while wearing Rudraksha. But after wearing Rudraksha if person have excessive habit, due to increment of intuitive power and will power.

Rudraksha helps to maintain the habit to normal level so that health of the wearer remains perfect all the time.

Keep the beads as close to your skin as possible and not let others to touch. Rudraksha can also be kept in Puja room and prayed for benefit of whole family.

If the thread is broken while wearing, you can change the new thread and wear Rudraksha, There is no harm if the thread is broken while wearing Rudraksha. 
                                                                 The End.

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