Monday 29 January 2018

In Hindu or Sanatan Dharma when Marriages are prohibited between same cast?

Marriage: The law of marriage was first introduced before the world by Maharishi Swatketu; son of renowned Maharishi Uddhalak. Before that men and women were free to live with anyone, with whom they wish too and as long as they wish. There was no relation except man and woman. 

Hindu (This word was first used by Arabs. When Arab came on the bank of Sindhu River they called it Hindu river and people living there were called Hindu. 

Sanatana or Hindu marriage is all about rituals and customs which teaches us the actual sense of a blissful marriage life. But there are some examples in Rig-Veda when the girl had not married for long time or lived unmarried, she was known as “Amazuh”. During Rig Veda there was no bondage on marriage. 
Later on the Brahmin scholars made some marriage restrictions for the society –

Sapind, Pind means Body, so here Sapind means of one body or Blood relation; even scientifically it is proven. Maharishi Vasisth and Gautama say marriage in 7 generation from Father side and 5 generation from Mother side is prohibited. 
Sagotra - The Gotra system might have started originally among Brahmins as a system of classification and identification of various families and indicating common descent from a 'Rishi'.

 There are 49 established Lead Hindu Gotras. 

All members of a particular Gotra are believed to possess certain common characteristics by way of nature or profession. It seems that’s why generally people living in a village are called Gotriya or in local language “Gotia” and so marriage between them is prohibited. 
Sapravar - 

SAPRAVARA is a set of the greatest Rishis who belonged to the Gotra. Usually these are the founding fathers of the Gotra.

 In Vedic ritual, the importance of the Pravara appears to be in its use by the ritualist for extolling his ancestry and proclaiming, as a descendant of worthy ancestors, I am a fit and proper person to do the act I am performing. 
So Sapind, Sagotra and Sapravar marriage were prohibited and still are.

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