Monday 28 May 2018

1st part. वर्ष 1943 में जब द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध अपने चरम पर था, तब बंगाल में भारी अकाल पड़ा था जिसमें लाखों लोग मारे गए थे.

सबसे ख़ुश इंसान'
बर्मा पर जापानी कब्ज़े से भारत में भारी दहशत फैल गई. बड़ी संख्या में नागरिक और सैनिक सीमापार कर भारत आ गए.
प्रोफ़ेसर इस्लाम बताते हैं, "मेरे पिता रेलवे में डॉक्टर थे और ढाका आने से पहले हम लालमुनि हाट में रहते थे जो बड़ा रेलवे जंक्शन था और जिसे गेटवे ऑफ़ असम कहा जाता था.
वहां हमने बड़ी संख्या में शरणार्थियों को देखा. सैकड़ों-हज़ारों शरणार्थी उस रास्ते बर्मा से भारत आ रहे थे. मैंने उस दौरान एंबुलेंस, ट्रेन, सैन्य अस्पतालों में युद्ध के नुक़सान को भी देखा."
बंगाल तब खाद्य पदार्थ आयात किया करता था जिसमें बर्मा के चावल शामिल थे लेकिन जापान के कब्ज़ा करने के बाद वह रुक गया.
उसी समय ब्रितानी शासकों ने भी बंगाल के तट को अलग-थलग करने की नीति पर अमल शुरू कर दिया ताकि जापान की बढ़त को रोका जा सके.
इसी समय, 1943 के पूरे साल भारत से ब्रिटेन और ब्रितानी फौजों को खाद्य सामग्री भेजा जाना जारी रहा. आमतौर पर इस बात पर सहमति है
कि 1943 का बंगाल अकाल गलत नीतियों और लापरवाही का नतीजा था | .
ब्रितानी इतिहासकारों के अनुमानों के अनुसार इसमें 15 लाख लोग मारे गए थे जबकि भारतीय इतिहासकार यह संख्या 60 लाख तक बताते हैं.
प्रोफ़ेसर इस्लाम कहते हैं कि जो बच गए उनका हिसाब रखा जाना भी ज़रूरी है. वो कहते हैं, "एक किस्सा मुझे अब भी याद है जब हमने एक परिवार की मदद करने की कोशिश की थी. पति-पत्नी और दो बच्चे रोज़ शाम हमारे दरवाज़े पर आ जाया करते और मेरी मां थोड़ा भात और दाल उनके लिए बचा लिया करती. हमने उस परिवार को ज़िंदा रखा."
वो बताते हैं, "फिर एक दिन वह हमसे विदा लेने आए. वह गांव वापस लौट रहे थे. उस दिन मेरी मां दुनिया की सबसे ख़ुश महिला थी क्योंकि वह कम से कम एक परिवार को ज़िंदा रखने में कामयाब रही थी."
'लिखूं कैसे?'
यह एक ऐसी भयावह मानवीय त्रासदी है जिससे कम ही याद किया जाता है. द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध के दौरान बंगाल के अकाल में ब्रितानी राज में सबसे ज़्यादा लोग मारे गए थे.
प्रोफ़ेसर इस्लाम कहते हैं, "साल 1943 के अकाल के दौरान मैंने जो कुछ देखा वह मेरी यादों में इतना साफ़-साफ़ दर्ज है कि मैं उसे कभी भूल ही नहीं सकता."
वो कहते हैं, "कई बार लोग मुझसे पूछते हैं कि आप अपनी आत्मकथा क्यों नहीं लिखते. सच कहूं तो मैं कैसे उस तकलीफ़, मानवीय त्रासदी को बयां कर पाऊंगा जो मैंने उस कमउम्र में देखी थी? मैं उसे लिख कैसे पाऊंगा?"
बंगाल के अकाल के दौरान हुए अनुभवों का प्रोफ़ेसर इस्लाम पर क्या असर पड़ा?
वो कहते हैं, "इंसान को बगैर किसी वजह या अपराध के इस तकलीफ़ का सामना क्यों करना पड़ा? और इंसान इतना क्रूर कैसे हो गया कि उनकी मदद नहीं की. इंसान को भगवान की सबसे शानदार रचना कहा जाता है लेकिन मेरे हिसाब से अकाल या युद्ध के दौरान यह भगवान की सबसे बुरी रचना बन गया था."
प्रोफ़ेसर इस्लाम कहते हैं, "उस दौरान हम जानवर बन गए थे."
(Thanks बीबीसी हिन्दी )
Vikas Pandey -  During 2nd world war Indian people faced disaster. Indian History is still silent upon this. In Modern history of India this period is seen only as Freedom struggle and big war but worst man made Famine of Indian history, its impact on society, culture and People who suffered were left behind.
Historians must have to write upon it and its impact on war, people, freedom struggle and division of Nation.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

What is NIPAH virus attack? How is it caused and precaution?

Nipah virus (NiV) infection is a newly emerging zoonosis that causes severe disease in both animals and humans.

The natural host of the virus is fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family, Pteropus genus.

NiV was first identified during an outbreak of disease that took place in Kampung Sungai Nipah, Malaysia in 1998.

In 1998, pigs were the intermediate hosts. However, in subsequent NiV outbreaks, there were no intermediate hosts.

In Bangladesh in 2004, humans became infected with NiV after consuming date palm sap that was contaminated by infected fruit bats.

Human-to-human transmission has also been documented.

What are the symptoms? How do you know if you are infected?

NiV infection in humans has a range of clinical presentations, from asymptomatic infection to acute respiratory syndrome and fatal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Experts are of the opinion that Nipah Virus is an airborne transmission infection and can affect those who come in direct contact with contaminated bodies.

Nipah Virus is usually associated with inflammation of the brain due to which several days of fever can often lead to a state of confusion, disorientation and even persistent drowsiness.

If not taken care of, these symptoms can even cause a coma in a span of 24 to 48 hours.

There are many patients who show neurological, respiratory and pulmonary signs as well. Therefore, do not ignore any such signs.

Some common signs and symptoms of NiV are headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and mental issues such as confusion.

These symptoms can last up to 7 to 10 days. Watching out for respiratory illness during the early stages is also very important.

What are the dos and don'ts to follow?

As of now, there is no particular vaccine available purely for the treatment of Nipah Virus. 

The only way to treat this virus is through intensive supportive care.

Since drinking raw date palm sap bitten by a bat can also cause NiV, it is safe to say that you should stay from consuming date palm for some time.

Hospitals also need to raise awareness about symptoms and transmission to avoid human-to-human infections in such settings.

Detection is another issue with NiV and anyone who feels the symptoms should get tested thoroughly from a recognized facility.

Avoiding direct contact with infected pigs, bats and humans in endemic regions should be practiced.

Health professionals attending to such patients should take precautionary measures, such as wearing masks and gloves.

If you feel uneasiness when in and around an infected region, get yourself tested immediately.

If you are infected, what should you do next?

Currently there is no effective treatment for Nipah virus infection. The treatment is limited to supportive care.

It is important to practice standard infection control practices and proper barrier nursing techniques to avoid the transmission of the infection from person to person.

All suspected cases of Nipah virus infection should be isolated and given intensive supportive care.

Ribavirin (an antiviral medication) has been shown effective in vitro tests, but has not yet been proven effective in humans.

Passive immunisation using a human monoclonal antibody that targets the Nipah G glycoprotein has been evaluated in the ferret model as post-exposure prophylaxis.

The anti-malarial drug chloroquine was shown to block the critical functions needed for maturation of Nipah virus, although no clinical benefit has yet been observed.

m102.4, a human monoclonal antibody, has been used in people on a compassionate use basis in Australia and is presently in pre-clinical development.

If a family member is infected, what to do next?
  • Immediately hospitalise the family member.
  • Avoid direct contact -- shaking hands, physical contact and use of patient's personal items.
  • Do not consume fresh fruits, date palm and other poorly washed fruits/half consumed fruits.
  • Learn about the possible mental symptoms and confusion etc. Be sympathetic and provide emotional support.
 Currently, what kind of people is at risk of the infection?

The risk of exposure is high for hospital workers and caretakers of those infected with the virus.

In Malaysia and Singapore, Nipah virus infection occured in those with close contact to infected pigs.

In Bangladesh and India, the disease has been linked to consumption of raw date palm sap (toddy) and contact with bats.

How can you prevent yourself?  

Prevention of Nipah virus infection is important since there is no effective treatment for the disease.

The infection can be prevented by avoiding exposure to bats in endemic areas and sick pigs.

Drinking of raw palm sap (palm toddy) contaminated by bat excretes, eating of fruits partially consumed by bats and using water from wells infested by bats should be avoided.

Bats are known to drink toddy that is collected in open containers, and occasionally urinate in it, which makes it contaminated with the virus.

Surveillance and awareness are important for preventing future outbreaks.

The association of this disease within reproductive cycle of bats is not well studied.

Standard infection control practices should be enforced to prevent nosocomial infections.

A subunit vaccine using the Hendra G protein was found to produce cross-protective antibodies against henipavirus and nipavirus has been used in monkeys to protect against Hendra virus, although its potential for use in humans has not been studied.

What advice would you like share with those travelling to and from that infected area?
  • Do not eat partly consumed fruits
  • Avoid mangoes
  •  Avoid raw date palm
  •  Eat only properly washed fruits
  • Maintain personal hygiene.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Dharma - Rta, Maya and Dharma.

Rita, Maya and Dharma

The evolving literature of Sanatan or Hinduism linked Dharma to two other important concepts: RITA   and  MAYA.
Ṛita in Vedas is the truth and cosmic principle which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it.

MAYA in Rig-veda and later literature means illusion, fraud, deception and magic that misleads and creates disorder.

Thus is contrary to reality, laws and rules that establish order, predictability and harmony means Dharma.

Paul Horsch suggests RITA and DHARMA are parallel concepts, the former being a cosmic principle, the latter being of moral social sphere.

While MAYA and DHARMA are also analogous concepts, the former being that which corrupts law and moral life, the later being that which strengthens law and moral life.

Dharma in American English (ˈdɑrmə; därˈmə; ˈdɑrmə; dʉrˈmə)

Noun Hinduism and Buddhism
Cosmic order or law, including the natural and moral principles that apply to all beings and things
Dutiful observance of this law in one's life; right conduct

Friday 4 May 2018

Adolescents and youth in India and abroad – Part 2

A study in India –
Revealed that majority of school teachers was in favour of imparting sex education to school children.

Fourteen (14) years of age was considered to be the most appropriate for imparting sex education by 28.6 percent of school teachers.

A recent study from Nigeria – 

Presents paramount significance of providing sexual education to youth.
This helped them to develop critical thinking and insights on range of family life/sexual issues like premarital sex and pregnancy, abortion, teacher-student relationships and lesbianism.

Another study in Indonesia – 

Suggests the mixed viewpoint on the pros and cons of sex education among youth. 
Proper information about sexuality should be provided to youth to help them grow healthy and responsible.

A study conducted in Venezuela – 

This has highlighted the importance of imparting sex education to youth, as it helped to prevent adolescent pregnancy, abortion, HIV/AIDS and sexual abuse.

What do we do?

Teen Talks in open forum discussion with teenagers ranging on a variety of topics, from puberty to health and safety related ones.

Forum values - 
Free flowing, non-judgmental, unbarred discussions, in the absence of parents or school authorities.

Give enough space for the participants to ask as much direct questions as possible and try to reply just as openly and correctly without any bar by a women Guide.

Afterwards in the session include other participants like Teachers, Parents, Social Worker, and Representatives from other groups, NGO’s etc.
Encouraging people with contradicting views to share their opinions too.

The Topics which will be discussed -
  • Body Image.
  • Our Society.
  • Some Myths and Facts.
  • Culture and Cultural Taboos.
  • Safe use of Social Media and technology (Face book / Whatsapp, Inter Net, in whole)
  • Peer Pressure.
  • Relationships and Break-ups.
  • Pornography
  • Masturbation
  • Physical Involvement with partner.
  • Learning to Say NO to partner
  There are many other things too we will discuss them another time.

Friends my book "ROOTS INDIA" is coming in this month.  In this book one will get an Ancient Indian Literature from Veda, its Peri...