Friday 4 May 2018

Adolescents and youth in India and abroad – Part 2

A study in India –
Revealed that majority of school teachers was in favour of imparting sex education to school children.

Fourteen (14) years of age was considered to be the most appropriate for imparting sex education by 28.6 percent of school teachers.

A recent study from Nigeria – 

Presents paramount significance of providing sexual education to youth.
This helped them to develop critical thinking and insights on range of family life/sexual issues like premarital sex and pregnancy, abortion, teacher-student relationships and lesbianism.

Another study in Indonesia – 

Suggests the mixed viewpoint on the pros and cons of sex education among youth. 
Proper information about sexuality should be provided to youth to help them grow healthy and responsible.

A study conducted in Venezuela – 

This has highlighted the importance of imparting sex education to youth, as it helped to prevent adolescent pregnancy, abortion, HIV/AIDS and sexual abuse.

What do we do?

Teen Talks in open forum discussion with teenagers ranging on a variety of topics, from puberty to health and safety related ones.

Forum values - 
Free flowing, non-judgmental, unbarred discussions, in the absence of parents or school authorities.

Give enough space for the participants to ask as much direct questions as possible and try to reply just as openly and correctly without any bar by a women Guide.

Afterwards in the session include other participants like Teachers, Parents, Social Worker, and Representatives from other groups, NGO’s etc.
Encouraging people with contradicting views to share their opinions too.

The Topics which will be discussed -
  • Body Image.
  • Our Society.
  • Some Myths and Facts.
  • Culture and Cultural Taboos.
  • Safe use of Social Media and technology (Face book / Whatsapp, Inter Net, in whole)
  • Peer Pressure.
  • Relationships and Break-ups.
  • Pornography
  • Masturbation
  • Physical Involvement with partner.
  • Learning to Say NO to partner
  There are many other things too we will discuss them another time.

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