Wednesday 16 May 2018

Dharma - Rta, Maya and Dharma.

Rita, Maya and Dharma

The evolving literature of Sanatan or Hinduism linked Dharma to two other important concepts: RITA   and  MAYA.
Ṛita in Vedas is the truth and cosmic principle which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it.

MAYA in Rig-veda and later literature means illusion, fraud, deception and magic that misleads and creates disorder.

Thus is contrary to reality, laws and rules that establish order, predictability and harmony means Dharma.

Paul Horsch suggests RITA and DHARMA are parallel concepts, the former being a cosmic principle, the latter being of moral social sphere.

While MAYA and DHARMA are also analogous concepts, the former being that which corrupts law and moral life, the later being that which strengthens law and moral life.

Dharma in American English (ˈdɑrmə; därˈmə; ˈdɑrmə; dʉrˈmə)

Noun Hinduism and Buddhism
Cosmic order or law, including the natural and moral principles that apply to all beings and things
Dutiful observance of this law in one's life; right conduct

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