Monday 20 August 2018

Buddha’s teachings or Preaches and Sutta Pitaka

                               Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Nalanda.

Sutta Pitaka - In Bodh dharma the meaning of ‘Suttapitaka’ is Preaching or Recital of Dharma (Religion). 
In this way ‘Suttapitaka’ is the set of preaches
Through ‘Suttapitaka’ one can define the border of ‘Bodhdharma’. 
This book is divided into these 5 books and their sub parts– 

(1). Digha Nikaya – Its Suita’s are bigger then Suita’s of other Nikaya. 

Some Sukta are in Prose and some are in mixed form of Prose - Poetry. 

Most of the Sukta are rendered and related with ‘Theory and Good conduct’ of Bodhdharma.

Confound of other Dharma are rebutted or contradicted. 

“Mahaparinibban Sutta” is the Sub part of Digha Nikaya. 

Mahaparinibban Sutta is the most famous and popular Sutta of this ‘Digha Nikaya’

In it one can get the last day’s story of ‘Great Soul Buddha’ or ‘Lord Buddha’

Subject, style of writing and language say’s that this is not the work of one person and one period

It’s a collective work of many people in a long time.  

(2). Majhim Nikaya Sutta of this Nikaya is neither big nor small.

 They are medium in size. In it too there are lectures, talks and storyline on different theories of Bodhdharma. 

At some places Buddha is projected as Human being.

But most of the places Buddha is projected as a God, empowered with divine power

This indicates that different parts of ‘Majhim Nikaya’ are written in different time frame by different people. 

(3) Sanukta Nikaya – It’s a set of one type of Sukta.

 In it one can get many Sukta on one subject

So this Nikaya is known as ‘Sanukta Nikaya’.

In each Sanukta one can find one God, Hero or one subject.

In this Nikaya too, mixed style – Prose and poetry is used. 

The subjects are versatile too. 

At some places subjects are related with Buddha, at other places God and Goddess and of different world of universe and out of universe.

(4) Angutarra Nikaya – Its sutta are in 11 Particles (Nipata). 

 In all 11 Nipata things related with there is described, 1 to 11 are the numbers in this Nikaya.

It is organised on the base of numbers. 

Ex. - In 3rd Nipata there are things related with number 3. As at one place Buddha says 3 things work secretly – Women, Mantra of Brahmin and Illusory or Pseudo Principles (Mithya Sidhant). 

The whole 3rd Nipata is based on number 3

(5) KhuddakNikaya – Small books are compiled in it. 

These books are complete and free from each other.

In subject, style and language they are different from each other. 

These are - KhuddakaPatha, DhammaPad, Udan, Itivritaka, SuttaNipata, VimanVatthu, PetVatthu, TherGatha, TheriGatha and Jataka.

Other books on KhuddakNikaya are – Niddesh, PatiSamidaMagga, Apdan, BuddhaVansa and CharyaPitaka.
                                             Please put your views.

                                            Continued in next part.

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