Monday 6 August 2018


Buddhism  – 

 In reverse to Rigvedic people, Buddha pressed for ‘NIRVANA’ or “freedom from Birth and Rebirth” and cessation or stopping of suffering.

Buddha’s preaching’s or teachings are in ‘Bodh Grantha’. Buddha taught 4 noble truths.

They are - 

(a). – There is suffering in the world.

(b). - This suffering has a cause.

(c). – The cause is desire, and

(d). – It is possible to put an end to suffering, if desire is removed.

To come out of these sufferings he said, one should know the ‘Right Way’ for which Buddha prescribed the 8 fold path.

 These are -  

(A). – Right View,

(B). – Right Resolution,

(C)  - Right Words,

(D)  - Right Action,

(E). – Right Living,

(F). – Right Effort,

(G). – Right Thinking, and 

(H). – Right Concentration.

Buddha stressed upon the importance of “Middle Path” and said that one should avoid the 2 extremes of strict abstinence and self denial for spiritual discipline and too much indulgence in worldly pleasures

He preached for Ahimnsa.

After Buddha’s death or ‘Mahaparinirvana’ (Great freedom from Birth and Rebirth) 6 ‘Bodh Sangiti’ took place to solve Bodh dharma’s problem, which appeared time to time. 

In Hindi and English both - 

प्रथम बौद्ध संगीति (थेरवाद के अनुसार ५४३५४२ ( ईसापूर्व) -- राजगृह में

द्वित्तीय बौद्ध संगीति (४थी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व) --

तृतीय बौद्ध संगीति (२५० ईसा पूर्व) --

चतुर्थ बौद्ध संगीति ( दो स्थानो पर हुई थी।)

पंचम बौद्ध संगीति (थेरवाद बौद्ध संगीति (१८७१))

षष्ट बौद्ध संगीति (थेरवाद बौद्ध संगीति (१९५४)) -- यांगून ( रंगून) के 'कबा आये' में

First (1) ‘Bodh Sangiti’ happened in BC 543 – 542 in Rajagriha, (Bihar) under the leadership of “Mahakassap”.

 In it 500 Bodh Monks participated. 

After 100 years of the death of Buddha, Second (2) ‘Bodh Sangiti’ took place in ‘Vaishali’ (Bihar) in 4th century BC.

Third (3) ‘Bodh Sangiti’ took place in ‘Patliputra’ in BC 250 under the leadership of ‘MogliPutta Tisya’.

Emperor Ashoka took great interest in it. ‘Deepvansa’, ‘Mahavansa’ and ‘Samant Pasadika’ describes this ‘Sangiti’.

According to Huansang Fourth (4)Bodh Sangiti’ took place in ‘Kashmir’ during the period of Emperor ’Kanishka’ of ‘Kusana dynesty’.

Kanishka’s period is 1st century AD (First AD). ‘Deepvansa’, ‘Mahavansa’ are silent on this, rest of the “Bodh ‘Grantha’ book” conforms this. 

Fifth (5) ‘Bodh Sangiti’ took place in 1871 AD, ‘Thervad Bodh Sangiti’.

Sixth (6) ‘Bodh Sangiti’ took place in 1954 AD out of India in ‘Kaba Aye’ in another country Rangoon or ‘Yangon’ (Burma).

                                  Rest in next part.

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