Saturday 9 February 2019

"Sapind relationship" or marriage in Hindu Dharma and through the eyes of Rule.

"Sapind relationship" with reference to any person of Hindu Dharma extends as far as the 5 generation (inclusive) in the line of ascent through the mother, and the 7 (inclusive) in the line of ascent through the father, the line being traced upwards in each case from the person concerned, who is to be counted as the first generation.

Two persons are said to be "Sapind" of each other.
If one is a lineal ascendant of the other within the limits of "Sapind" relationship, or if they have a common lineal ascendant who is within the limits of "Sapind" relationship with reference to each of them.

For example, if  is the offspring of any person within five generations (inclusive) on the Groom’s  father's side and three generations (inclusive) on the groom's mother's side, or vice versa, they will be referred to as "Sapind" of each other. 

In these cases, the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 bars marriage between two Hindus.

Section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 laid down conditions for a Hindu Marriage. 

A marriage may be solemnized between any two Hindus, if the following conditions are fulfilled, namely:-

Neither party has a spouse living at the time of the marriage;

Neither party is an idiot  or a lunatic   at the time of the marriage;

The bridegroom has completed the age of twenty one years and the bride the age of eighteen years at the time of the marriage;

The parties are not within the degrees of prohibited relationship, unless the custom or usage governing each of them permits of a marriage between the two;

The parties are not Sapind of each other, unless the custom or usage governing each of them permits of a marriage between the two.

Out of the five above conditions, this article refers to the condition stated under section 5(v), which states that if the Hindu bride and the Hindu groom are "Sapind" of each other, the marriage between the two cannot be solemnized by law and will be legally void.

Sunday 3 February 2019



Cancerous Tumor  

“Dekh To Dil Ke Ja Se Uthta Hai, Yea Dhuan Kahan – Kahan Se Uthta Hai.” 

“See from where this smoke comes - Your Heart or Life.”

My experience in “ No Tobacco” through Behavior Change Communication. - 

I was going to  a market from my home in Delhi  for some work. 

It was 5 pm last June. 

Due to the distance  I catch a Rickshaw and directed the puller to take me to the market. 

After driving some time he stopped the Rickshaw and took out a big pouch of Tobacco from his upper pocket of his Shirt.

He took out some tobacco from it and put it in his mouth. 

Knowingly, I said, what are You chewing?

He replied Jarda (powder or crushed Tobacco). 
Again I asked, is it good for Health? 

He said, no sir it only changes mood. 

I said how much Tobacco you eat in a day?

He said full 1 big pouch of Jarda in a day.
I asked are You alone here? 

He said no sir, I am living with my family.

I have 2 children and both of them are studding in private school.

And I don’t want them to pull Rickshaw and my mother – father lives in village.

I am the only bread – butter earner of the whole family.

I said great; tell me what happens if you died suddenly due to illness or Cancer due to this Tobacco chewing. 
He said how I could die due to illness; I am young, Healthy and took good food. 

I said that’s ok; but you are calling your death in the form of Cancer. 

He said how, and he stopped the Rickshaw.

 I saw his pale face. 

I said you are taking Tobacco which causes Cancer.

And I took his pouch and saw him a small message on it. 

For few seconds he was mum; and suddenly he took the pouch and throw it in the drain and pick my foot. 

My heart was filled with heavenly joy and eyes with tears. 

He said I took oath of my children that from now I will not take any type of tobacco. 

I pick his hand and said if he feels any problem he must consult the doctor.

It was the win of ‘No Tobacco program’, ‘Cancer program’ and above all BCC program. 

I remember this incident with pride. 

God bless that man.

Broadly, there are 19 cancers that can be generally related to life style.

Though it is very difficult to pinpoint any definite cause of Cancer.
Certain substances, known as carcinogens, can definitely increase your chances of getting cancer. 

For instance, people who smoke or chew tobacco are more prone to mouth, throat and lung cancer. 

Contrary to popular opinion, Beedi (local Cigrate) smoking is twice as dangerous as cigarettes. 

Oral and lungs in males and Cervix and breast in females account for over 50% of all cancer deaths in India. 

In India, Cancer has become 1 of the 10 leading, 2 biggest causes of death.  
Cancer is growing at 11 per cent annually.   

It is estimated that there are nearly 1.5-2 million cancer cases at any given point of time.   

In 1991, 6 lakhs (more than half million) new cancer cases were diagnosed; that figure has now risen to 8 lakhs. 

Nearly 15 lakh (1.5 million) patients require facilities for diagnosis, treatment and follow up at a given time. 

Every hour, cancer kills at least 50   people in India and claims 100 new patients. 

About 7, 00,000 to 9, 00,000 new cancer cases are detected yearly.   

Breast cancer cases have doubled in INDIA in the last two decades. 
An estimated 4, 40,000 people die of   cancer every year.
In Bihar - Throat Cancer - 08 - 4436, in 13 - 7472.

Bihar and MP have highest number of Tobacco using people.

In the world One billion people smoke tobacco.

Friday 1 February 2019

Cure or Heal our Chakras through Mudra and 5 elements.


                                                           Mudra - Hand Gesture



 The whole Universe, COSMOS  or Brahamanda is made - up or composition of 5 elements. 

Our physical body is also the composition of same 5 elements, namely - 

Air, Water, 


Earth and 

Aakash (Ether or Void) - 

the tiny intercellular spaces in the human body).

There is a proverb in Hindi – “Chiti (Earth), Jal (Water), Pawak (Fire), Gagan (Ether), Samira (Air), and Panch (5) Tatwa (Element) Se Bana (made of) Sarira (Body)”. 

Means our body is made – up of 5 elements.

We can also Cure or Heal our Chakras through these Mudras.

Blocked energy in our 7 chakras can often lead to illness.

So it's important to understand what each chakra represents.

And what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

In Sanskrit there is also a proverb “Yatha Pinde Thatha Brahamande”.

Means as Pind (Body) is as Brahamand (Universe) is. 

This means the elements are same in both - in the body and universe.

These 5 elements are also associated with the 5 senses and act as the gross medium for the experience of sensations. 

The basest element is Earth. . These 5 senses are 1 – Hearing, 2 – Touch, 3 – Sight, 4 – Taste and 5 - Smell.

The same elements are with the universe too. 

When they are (elements) naturally balanced, the universe works in rhythm. 

But when it gets imbalanced or we disturb elements as we are doing; the environmental problem occurs.  

Or it gets disturbed and the consequence of its disturbance feels the whole universe.

And specially the earth which has living substance like us, plants, and all creatures. 

Climate changes, Ozone problem, Antarctica Ice melting are due to this imbalance. 

In about all Ancient Civilization they talk about these elements. 

Ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, Babylonia, Tibet, Japan mentions in their scriptures about these elements.

According to scholar Galen these elements were used by Hippocrates to describe the human body. 

These 4 humours or elements are – Yellow Bilr (Fire), Black Bile (Earth), Blood (Air), and Phlegm (Water).

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