Friday 1 February 2019

Cure or Heal our Chakras through Mudra and 5 elements.


                                                           Mudra - Hand Gesture



 The whole Universe, COSMOS  or Brahamanda is made - up or composition of 5 elements. 

Our physical body is also the composition of same 5 elements, namely - 

Air, Water, 


Earth and 

Aakash (Ether or Void) - 

the tiny intercellular spaces in the human body).

There is a proverb in Hindi – “Chiti (Earth), Jal (Water), Pawak (Fire), Gagan (Ether), Samira (Air), and Panch (5) Tatwa (Element) Se Bana (made of) Sarira (Body)”. 

Means our body is made – up of 5 elements.

We can also Cure or Heal our Chakras through these Mudras.

Blocked energy in our 7 chakras can often lead to illness.

So it's important to understand what each chakra represents.

And what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

In Sanskrit there is also a proverb “Yatha Pinde Thatha Brahamande”.

Means as Pind (Body) is as Brahamand (Universe) is. 

This means the elements are same in both - in the body and universe.

These 5 elements are also associated with the 5 senses and act as the gross medium for the experience of sensations. 

The basest element is Earth. . These 5 senses are 1 – Hearing, 2 – Touch, 3 – Sight, 4 – Taste and 5 - Smell.

The same elements are with the universe too. 

When they are (elements) naturally balanced, the universe works in rhythm. 

But when it gets imbalanced or we disturb elements as we are doing; the environmental problem occurs.  

Or it gets disturbed and the consequence of its disturbance feels the whole universe.

And specially the earth which has living substance like us, plants, and all creatures. 

Climate changes, Ozone problem, Antarctica Ice melting are due to this imbalance. 

In about all Ancient Civilization they talk about these elements. 

Ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, Babylonia, Tibet, Japan mentions in their scriptures about these elements.

According to scholar Galen these elements were used by Hippocrates to describe the human body. 

These 4 humours or elements are – Yellow Bilr (Fire), Black Bile (Earth), Blood (Air), and Phlegm (Water).

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