Monday 25 March 2019

Ancient Indian History. Rigveda or 'Rigveda - Sanhita'. Part 1.

Whenever U talk about some Historical Fact or Facts, Temple etc most People, Electronics and Print Media start their point that this is mentioned in Purana or some other book or books  without knowing the period of  that book and what is written in that book. 

They quote Purana and other books to give their point a validity, authenticity and historical ground. 

 Here I am describing these books, their period and for what good they are and their authenticity.

To know Indian History, Culture, Dharm (Religion is not a proper word for dharma, it fits with Panth of Hindi word; but in English it’s the only option), Politics, Social life Ancient literature holds a strong ground. 

Books are divided into 2 types -  Granths (Books) – 

1. Dharma Granth and 

2. Historical and Contemporary Books.

Dharma Granth or Religious books are of 3 types – 

Brahaman Granth, 

Bodh Granth and 

Jain Granth.
1. Brahaman Granth – In chronology - 

1. Veda – Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda - 

Rigveda or Rigveda - Sanhita – 

(।। सं गच्छध्वम् सं वदध्वम्।। (ऋग्वेद 10.181.2)

अर्थात: साथ चलें मिलकर बोलें। उसी सनातन मार्ग का अनुसरण करो जिस पर पूर्वज चले हैं।

Means ‘Together we walk, together we speak’ – one movement, one voice. Follow this Sanatan path through which our Forefathers went.   

Rigveda is the first book of Veda.  

Rig means Mantra with verse (chand) and stanza (charan).  

Veda means Knowledge

This way “Rigveda” means the knowledge which is written in verses and stanzas

Sanhita means collection”

Thus “Rigveda Sanhita” means - Collection of Rigvedic Mantra.
Aryans lived in tribes and spoke Sanskrit, which is the language of the “Indo – European” group.

There’s most sacred and oldest bookRigveda” is written in Sanskrit.   

Settlement of Aryans in India is described in Rigveda. The period of Rigveda is 2000 BC and above. 

They worshiped the gods Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varun, Sun etc.  

Hymns in praise of these Gods are found in Rigveda.  

In Rigveda “Indra” is known as ‘Purandar(conqueror of forts).

Rigveda says due to their horses Aryans won all the battle. 

There are 250 Mantra’s in praise of “Indra”. 

200 Mantra are in the praise of Agni next important God after Indra.

God 'Varun' was the drover of Rit. 

In Rigvedic sloka he appeared 24 times

Varun is known as “Ritasaya Gopadrover of Rit. 

Scholars like Winternitz, Macdonel and Kith etc says ‘Rit’ means ‘System of Creation’, ‘Physical and Social System’, ‘Universal and Social system’. 

 "एकं सत् विपा्:  बहुधा वदन्ति" – Brahman (one who knows Brahma) says “Truth is One”.

In Rigveda there are 10 Mandal and 1028 Hymn (Sukta) and 10,462 Sloka (Song). 

2 to 7th Mandal are the oldest one

It seems that 1 and 10 Mandals are added later means chapak

                                          In next part.

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