Thursday 27 April 2017

How to practise Mudra part 2 with Chakra Healing.

Parana Mudra -

To make Parana mudra we touch Thumb, ring, and Little finger. As shown in the above pictures. 

Index and middle finger are extended.
This Gesture helps in pumping the life force into your body.
This Mudra is Beneficial for all types of diseases. Its impact on Eyes is great.  
Join the tip of the thumb with tip of little and ring finger and Keeping other two fingers straight.  
This is a very important mudra as it activates the energy in our body.
This yoga mudra should be done in Padmasana. 

Bend your ring finger and little finger and touch the tip of both these fingers with the tip of your thumb.
There is no specific time to perform this Mudra. Any time of the day will be suitable.
The Parana mudra can be used whenever you feel drained or need an extra boost of energy. 

Good to use in the morning to awaken and fully embrace the new day.

This mudra improves our immune system. It reduces Fatigue and tiredness.
It also increases our eye power and helps to cures any sort of eye diseases.
During long Fasting due to this Mudra one will not feel Thrust or Hunger.
If one is feeling Sleeplessness do Parana Mudra with Gyan or Meditation Mudra to get relief.
It compensates Vitamins deficiency too.

Apaan Mudra –   



The Apaan mudra has a grounding force to help you connect with the earth's energies, whenever you are feeling off balance or flighty.

Tips of thumb, middle and ring finger are joined. Pinky (Little) and index fingers are extended.
This Mudra helps in clearing the body by elimination of waste matter from the mouth, eyes, ears, nose etc.
Apaan Mudra Helps when urine is obstructed reduces constipation.
Join the tip of the thumb with the tip of middle and ring finger, keeping the other finger straight.
Doing regularly this Mudra helps to control or cure Constipation, Gas problem, Diabetics, urine problem, Kidney, Teeth diseases etc. 
This Mudra also helps in Heart diseases.  

                                                     The End.

Sunday 23 April 2017

How to practise Mudra part 1 with Chakra Healing.

We can Cure or Heal our Chakras through these Mudras.

Gyan (Meditation) Mudra -



The Gyan mudra represents the starting place or home. 

It takes you back to your roots, or a simpler time. This Mudra clears the mental faculties.

Touch the tip of your index finger with the tip of your thumb. 

The other three fingers, you may keep it straight or just keep it free, doesn’t matter even if they are slightly bent. 

Join the tips of the index finger and thumb and keep the other 3 fingers stretched and joined.

Practice this Mudra when doing meditations. It’s perfect when you do it early in the mornings with a fresh mind.

 This is a very commonly used Mudra when practicing meditations.

This is a very beneficial Mudra and anyone can practice this.

As the name suggests, this Gyan Mudra is meant to increase your concentration and memory power.

This Mudra sharpens your brain power.

Effective in cases of mental ailment, imparts happiness, the intellect develops, and memory is sharpened.

Practice this Mudra regularly to heal yourself of all mental and psychological disorders like anger, stress, anxiety or even depression.

Vayu (Air) Mudra - 


Method – 

 Press the index finger on the base of thumb and keep the thumb on the index finger.

Let the other fingers be straight. 

 This Mudra can be practiced in a standing, sitting or lying down posture.

 It’s easy to do. Fold your index finger. 

As you fold your fingers you can see two bones. These are called phalanx bones. 

When you have folded your index finger the second bone that you see, you have to press it with the base of your thumb just as shown in the above picture.

 The rest of the three fingers should be kept extended as much as possible.

As the name suggests Vayu (Air) Mudra, it balances the air element within your body.

 It releases excess wind from stomach and body thereby reducing rheumatic and chest pain.

Do this at any time of the day as per your convenience. 

There is also no compulsion of doing this at an empty stomach. 

You may also practice this Mudra with a full stomach.

This Mudra helps in Gas related diseases like Arthritis, Trembling in Parkinson's, Gout, Knee Pain, Sciatica, Gas problem, Neck Stiff etc disease. 

Better results can be obtained if practices after Prana Mudra.


Tuesday 18 April 2017


The whole Universe or Brahamanda is made - up or composition of 5 elements. Our physical body is also the composition of same 5 elements, namely - Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Aakash (Ether or Void - the tiny intercellular spaces in the human body).

 There is a proverb in Hindi – “Chiti (Earth), Jal (Water), Pawak (Fire), Gagan (Ether), Samira (Air), and Panch (5) Tatwa (Element) Se Bana (made of) Sarira (Body)”; means our body is made – up of 5 elements.
We can also Cure or Heal our Chakras through these Mudras. Blocked energy in our 7 chakras can often lead to illness, so it's important to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

In Sanskrit there is also a proverb “Yatha Pinde Thatha Brahamande” means as Pind (Body) is as Brahamand (Universe) is. This means the elements are same in both - in the body and universe.

These 5 elements are also associated with the 5 senses and act as the gross medium for the experience of sensations. 

The basest element is Earth. . These 5 senses are 1 – Hearing, 2 – Touch, 3 – Sight, 4 – Taste and 5 - Smell.

The same elements are with the universe too.

 When they are (elements) naturally balanced, the universe works in rhythm but when it gets imbalanced or we disturb elements as we are doing; the environmental problem occurred or it gets disturbed and the consequence of its disturbance feels the whole universe and specially the earth which has living substance like us, plants, and all creatures. 

Climate changes, Ozone problem, Antarctica Ice melting are due to this imbalance. 

In about all Ancient Civilization they talk about these elements. Ancient civilizations of Greece, Egypt, Babylonia, Tibet, Japan mentions in their scriptures about these elements.

According to scholar Galen these elements were used by Hippocrates to describe the human body. 

These 4 humours or elements are – Yellow Bilr (Fire), Black Bile (Earth), Blood (Air), and Phlegm (Water).

Yog Gesture or Mudra balances these elements to balance the rhythm of the body and make it healthy, fit and fine.

In ancient Indian Sastra there is a Sanskrit proverb “Nasti Mudrasamam Kinchit Sidhidam ChitiMandale” means upon this earth there is no other duty which gives so much success as Gestures or Mudra can give.

In Yog “Asthang Yog” has its importance but you can’t miss Mudras or Gestures. These Gestures are advance stage of Asana.

In Asanas, Organs (Indriya) are important, where as in Mudras or Gesture, Prana or life substance is important or primary. Indriya (organ) are secondary in Gestures.

The 5 fingers of our hand represent these 5 elements. 

These 5 fingers and there elements which they represent are – Thumb – Fire (Agni), Index – Air (Vyu), Middle – Ether, Sky (Akash), Ring – Earth (Prithvi) and Little – Water (Jal).

When these elements are in balance in their form, the body is healthy; but when they get imbalanced the body and its system gets ill.

 Mudra or Gesture science says that due to the balance of these 5 elements the internal organs, different composite of body works.

These 5 elements regulate the action of our body and due to this we alive the sleeping energy or power of our body which are usually in sleeping state. 

Imbalance of these elements disrupts the immunity system and causes disease.

Deficiencies in any of these elements can be cured connecting one part of the body with another in a particular manner through Mudras or Gesture.

When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance.
Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured.

Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health.

One has to do these Mudras or Gestures at least 10 minutes to get its benefit, which can be extended up to 30 to 45 – 50 minutes.

The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.

Practicing these different types of mudras for health is considered good as it provides physical, mental, as well as spiritual benefits.

 Mudras, also known as hand yoga, typically involves placing the hands and fingers in certain positions as described in the Vedas

                                                                                                                                 rest in 2nd part.

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