Tuesday 30 May 2017

Education System of India before British Education System.

British education system or Lord Cornwallis education system was introduced in India to destroy the knowledge based education so that Indians will be made clerks and sub ordinates to help few British people to rule this country. 

This education system is continuing till date, which put the education level down in India. Indian education was knowledge based, it was not service based which is now, and this is the greatest contribution of Britishers for India.

The quality of education imparted in Ancient India was unparalleled which continued in Medieval period too. Hence in spite of various hardship and hurdles students from different parts of the world flocked to Indian universities

Amir Khusrau (1252-1325 A.D.) mentions that scholars have come from different parts of the world to study in India but no Indian scholar have found it necessary to go abroad to acquire knowledge

Indian scholars were in great demand abroad. Khaliphs like Al Mansur and Harun Al Rashid (754-809 A.D.) sent embassies to India to procure Indian scholars

Astronomical treatise like Brahmasiddhanta and the Khanda Khadyaka of Brahmagupta and the medical books of Charaka, Susruta and Vagbhatta were translated to Arabic.

As a home of knowledge and wisdom Ancient India produced scores of scholars on various subjects - Buddha and Shankara (philosophy), Kautilya (political science and administration), Sushruta (surgery), Charaka (medicine), Kanada (physicist; propounder of atomic theory), Nagarjuna (Chemistry), Aryabhatta and Varahamihira (Astronomy), Baudhayana and Brahmagupta (mathematics) and Patanjali (yoga), Vatasayana (Kamasutra), Lilawati (Mathematics) to name a few. 

As the whole world knows, the concept of zero is a contribution of ancient Indians.

The knowledge of ancient Indians in the field of metallurgy was extraordinary as it is evidenced by the Iron pillar at Delhi which till now has not rusted though exposed to elements since hundreds of years. How such a huge column was casted is still a mystery to scientists.

The lofty temples found in Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Odisha and Khajuraho, Bhojeshwar Mahadev temple near Bhopal (only structure in the world which is with its Ramp in its back, which shows how this temple or other high structures were built in those days.

A map is also there of the temple which is on stones in the campus of the temple, its architect was Maharaja Bhoj himself) to name a few shows the expertise which ancient Indians had in Structural Engineering.

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