Friday 12 May 2017

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel a pioneers of Indian Freedom struggle. His Life a Lesson.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was one of the pioneers of Indian Freedom struggle against British rule in India. He was a True Gandhian in his Thoughts, Words and Deeds, a True ‘Karma Yogi’. He spent a long time in Jails during freedom struggle. He is the man who as a 1st (First) Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of India united it as a Nation, which in 1947 Britishers left as a bunch of more than 550 independent states and divided into 2 parts India and Pakistan. It was British policy to make India weak and divided, but this “Iron Man” and great friend of PM Nehru fought against all the odds and made India ‘One Nation’.
Sardar Patel was born in 31 October 1875 and left the world on long voyage on 15 December 1950.
Patel was born and raised in the countryside of Gujarat. He was a successful practicing   lawyer. When peasant movement started in Gujarat against British autocracy and land – tax, peasants came to him for his guidance and leadership.
He subsequently organised peasants from Kheda, Borsad and Bardoli in Gujarat in ‘Non – violent Civil Disobedience Moment’ against oppressive policies imposed by the British Rule. After a long battle British rule accepted his terms and conditions. This great struggle made him “Sardar”. He became one of the most influential leaders in Gujarat. He rose to the Top leadership of the Indian Nation Congress.
He acted as de facto Supreme Commander-in-chief of Indian Army  during Political integration of India and India – Pakistan 1947 war.  
He is also affectionately remembered as the "Patron saint of India's civil servants" for having established the ’Modern All India Services’ system. He is also called the Unifier of India.      
Here are some memorable quotes by Sardar Patel. -  
February 12, 1928: Discipline and organization mean half the battle won.
September 21, 1929: Unite and you will not have to fight.
June 16, 1933: Serve the people without any expectation, and try to be as much pure as possible by mind, words and deeds. It you do that much there is not placed for pessimism. It is but natural that when you are all alone mind runs a riot, but if you continuously engage yourself in some work then the mind will be peaceful.
January 2, 1935: Freedom is going to be built up from bottom and not going to fall from above.
January 1, 1935: Idleness is the greatest enemy of man.
June 13, 1935: A drunkard can never become a man of character. He does not have sense of good or evil. He is not able to control himself. Therefore, give up drinking forever.
October 23, 1935: No one should spit on the roads, should not throw remnants of eatables on the streets, and should not make the places dirty.
January 26, 1939: Non-violence has to be observed in thought, word and deed. The measure of our non-violence will be the measure of our success
July 19, 1940: Character is very essential for real success. One who has no character can succeed neither in politics not in commerce. Commercial morality is very necessary in business. Without honesty and mutual confidence it is impossible to achieve success. Intelligence is also necessary for success in the commercial field. Fate also has its own place but without character and commercial morality everything else fails.
April 16, 1947: Caste, community will rapidly disappear. We have to speedily forget all these things. Such boundaries hamper our growth
August 11, 1947: The need of the hour is to increases the wealth of the country and this can only be done by putting in more and more work and thus increasing production.
January 5, 1948: Even an inch of Kashmir will not be yielded. India wanted to be liberal in setting affairs with Pakistan and wanted to live and let live. But if Pakistan wanted to shell India with the money received from India, it could not be allowed.
January 25, 1949: Our prestige has gone high because of Mahatma Gandhi. People are praising the manner in which we have achieved integration of the States without violence or bloodshed and by peaceful means and co-operation and in a spirit of cordiality.
May 16, 1950: In the history of this country there has never been such consolidation as has been today. Indian history has shown in the past and, if we take a lesson from past history, then it is our duty to preserve and consolidate the hard earned freedom for which many people have made tremendous sacrifices.
September 18, 1950: Young men and women are to build-up a strong character. A nation's greatness was reflected in the character of her people. It was sullied by selfishness, such a people could not prosper or achieve great things.. Selfishness had its place in life as everyone had to look to his own needs and that of his family, but it could not be made the be-all and end-all of life.
September 19, 1950: No distinctions of caste and creed should hamper us. All are the sons and daughters of India. We should all love our country and build our destiny on mutual love and help.
October 3, 1950: The education system should be so reoriented that young men were taught to do things with their own hands in the agricultural and industrial fields.


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