Monday 29 May 2017

History of First Man made Caves in India - Barabar caves (1000 - 1200 years older then Ajanta) in Bihar.

Man has always wished a Home; whether it’s for his own living, for society or for Religious work. From the beginning man wished a strong reliable Home. In their search they found Cave a suitable place to live but it was not possible to get caves everywhere or where man wished. Due to this they went towards Mountains and Plateaus, their search worked, Caves came to light in Plateaus and Mountain areas. Even plateaus were found more convenient on mountain due to their strong old black Granite rocks. Mountains of Himalayan range are new and are unstable due to their soil base, so even scientifically; plateaus were preferred.
In India about 1,200 caves were built. Maximum number of them belongs to Buddhist monks. 900 Buddhist caves came in light. Even Jain’s made 200 caves for their Monks. Generally Brahmins had not patronized or taken deep interest in making Caves. Of course due to local kings some Brahmin caves were being made and they all became very famous due to their sculpture, quality, Architect and painting. Udaigiri, Aellora, Eliphanta, Mahabalipuram is some famous Brahmin Caves. There are about 100 Brahmin caves in all over India.
Caves first came in light during Mauryan period. Emperor Ashok is the 1st (First) ruler who has taken interest in making caves. 4 caves in Barabar Plateau, Bihar are the first group of caves which were made for Buddhist Monks during Ashoka period. Nearby Barabar plateau there is Nagarjuna plateau, 3 caves were found there too. They were made during the period of Ashoka’s grandson Dashrath. The caves excavated for the use of the monks during their retreat in the rainy season. In total 7 caves were being made.
During Sunga Dynasty, (a Brahmin dynasty) after Mauryan period many caves were being made in Western and Southern India in the Sahadrya plateau range for Hinayana Buddhist Monks. These Buddhist caves were being made in Bhaja, Bedsha, Pitalkhora and Karle near Pune, Nasik and Ajanta, Ellora in Aurangabad district in today’s Maharashtra state in Deccan plateau. It shows that Mauryan cave making policy continued and not only continued but developed at its best in the best form of Ajanta and Ellora.
These caves in India offer an instructive field for the study of the evolution of Rock – cut architecture, Painting and Polishing on rocks. Their architectural quality, Sculpture is getting peoples due attention. But unfortunately all caves are not as lucky as Ajanta – Ellora is.
Mauryan caves of Barabar and Nagarjuna plateau are different from Sahadrya plateau of Western India. The ‘polish on rock’ and ‘writings on wall’ indicates that they belong to Mauryan period.
When we talk about First cave/caves built in India. The name comes as ‘Mauryan period cave’ known as “Satgharwa” in local language or group of 7 caves near Gaya, Bihar. These caves were built 800 years or more before the caves of “Ajanta – Ellora”. Without these 4 Barabar and 3 Nagarjuna caves it is impossible to think about the development of world famous ‘Ajanta – Ellora’.

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