Sunday 29 July 2018

Dwarahat - Mahavtara Baba je cave and YSS ashram. Centre of KRIYA YOGA

Dwarahat is a small town in Almora district in the Kumaon region of Uttrakhand State.

It has an average altitude of 5000 ft (1500 m). 

The climate is cool all round the year and is especially cold in the winter months (November-February).

The YSS Ashram is located about 1.5 km from the Dwarahat town and is surrounded by pine forest on all sides. 

On the way from town to the Ashram, to the right is the Government Rest House where Sri Daya Mataji had stayed during her visit to the cave in 1963-64 as the YSS ashram had not been built then.


Mahavatar Babaji's Cave.

To understand the historical Significance of the cave, it is suggested that devotees read Chapter 34 "Materialising a Palace in the Himalayas" from the Autobiography of a Yogi, and "A Blessing from Mahavatar Babaji" from Only Love by Sri Sri Daya Mata.

Babaji's Cave area is the place where Babaji initiated Lahiri Mahasaya in 1861 and is the birth of Kriya Yoga in this Dwapara Yuga. 

All the Kriyabans in the world can trace their lineage to this event. (2011 - The 150th Anniversary of Kriya Yoga).

The cave is on the Pandukholi Mountain beyond the hamlet of Kukuchina (25 km from Dwarahat).

The mountain path to the cave has been renovated. 

The climb to the cave takes about one hour for the average person. 

During the rains there are a few streams along the way which feed the Gogash River mentioned in Autobiography of a Yogi.

The journey to the cave and back from the Ashram takes about Six to Eight hours.
Please contact Dwarahat Ashram for more details.


YSS/SRF Lesson students who practice daily meditation as taught in the lessons are welcome to stay in the ashram for spiritual renewal by participating in daily routine of the ashram.

Sunday 22 July 2018

How does cancer spread? Is cancer a single disease? How does a doctor tell if growth is cancerous?

                                         Skin Cancer

How does cancer spread?

         In 3 ways:

       - Cancer cells grow through the walls of blood vessels and are carried by the blood
           stream to other parts of the body.

       -  They enter the lymphatic stream and are carried to lymph glands.

       -  They grow directly from one tissue to another

Is cancer a single disease?

No. the term "cancer" includes all forms of malignant growth.

Very many varieties are known. These have certain characteristics in common though such as uncontrolled growth a tendency to spread widely in the body and fatal termination if not treated early and adequately. 

They differ in certain characteristics, such as location in the body, microscopic appearance, and response to treatment. 

Their histories of development may be quite dissimilar and it is probable that the conditions which may precede them also differ greatly.

How fast does cancer grow?

There is no definite rate of growth of cancer tissue; some types will grow more in a few weeks than other types will, in several years.

How does a doctor tell if growth is cancerous?

By performing a biopsy i.e. examining a small portion of the tissue under a microscope.

In advanced cases, physical examination alone may reveal the diagnosis. But the chances of cure at this late stage are very poor.

Saturday 14 July 2018

What is cancer? How many kinds of tumors are there?

                              Cancerous tumors


                            Tongue Cancer

What is cancer? How  many kinds of tumors are there?

Cancer is a group of several hundred diseases in which abnormal cells are not destroyed by normal metabolic processes but instead proliferate and spread out of control.

Cancers are distinguished from each other by the specific type of cell involved and the place in the body in which the disease begins.

 In another words “Cancer is an abnormal growth of a body cell or group of cells.

 If it is not destroyed or removed, cancer can spread very rapidly, and eventually lead to death”.
There are two kinds of tumors - Malignant, and benign.  

What is the difference between a malignant and a benign tumour?

Tumor can be benign (not a cancer) or malignant (a cancer)

Benign tumours do not invade other tissues or spread to other parts of the body, although they can expand to interfere with health structures. 

The main features of a malignant tumour (cancer) is its ability to grow in an uncontrolled way and to invade and spread to other parts of the body (metastasis).

In another words a benign tumor is more common, and is generally harmless.

It doesn't grow beyond a certain limit, and it doesn't spread to other parts of the body.

A malignant tumor on the other hand, never stops growing and can spread to other parts of the body.  

Cancer is the name given to a malignant growth.


Saturday 7 July 2018

What precautions should be taken by women to avoid cancer of the breast? How should you examine your breasts?

                                                                            BREAST CANCER

Do not wear garments that press the breast tissue tightly against the chest wall.

Every woman should have her breasts examined semiannually by a physician.

She should request her physician to instruct her in the proper technique for examining her own breasts in the erect and reclining positions and should examine her breasts once a month shortly after her "period".

 Examine your breast - 

Sit or stand in front of a mirror, with your arms relaxed at your sides, and examine your breasts carefully for any changes in size and shape.

Look for any puckering or dimpling of the skin, and for any discharge or change in the nipples. Compare one breast with the other.
Raise both your arms over your head, and look for exactly the same changes. 
See if there's been any change since you last examined your breasts.
You should feel for a lump or thickening in the breast tissues.
Lie down on your bed or on the floor, put a pillow or a bath towel under your left shoulder, and place your left hand under your head.
With the fingers of your right hand held together flat, press gently but firmly with small circular motions to feel the inner, upper quarter of your left breast, starting at your breastbone and going outward toward the nipple line. 
Also feel the area around the nipple.
With the same gentle pressure next feel the lower, inner parts of your breast. 

Now bring your left arm down to your side, and still using the flat part of your fingers, feel under your armpit. 

Use the same gentle pressure to feel the upper, outer quarter of your breast from the nipple line to where your arm is resting. 

And finally, feel the lower, outer section of your breast, proceeding from the outer part to the nipple.  

Repent the entire procedure as described above, for the right breast.

For a Safe and Healthy Life always check Your Breast (self examination).

                                                                                    Pink Ribbon for Breast Cancer awareness
 Breast Cancer.


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