Saturday 7 July 2018

What precautions should be taken by women to avoid cancer of the breast? How should you examine your breasts?

                                                                            BREAST CANCER

Do not wear garments that press the breast tissue tightly against the chest wall.

Every woman should have her breasts examined semiannually by a physician.

She should request her physician to instruct her in the proper technique for examining her own breasts in the erect and reclining positions and should examine her breasts once a month shortly after her "period".

 Examine your breast - 

Sit or stand in front of a mirror, with your arms relaxed at your sides, and examine your breasts carefully for any changes in size and shape.

Look for any puckering or dimpling of the skin, and for any discharge or change in the nipples. Compare one breast with the other.
Raise both your arms over your head, and look for exactly the same changes. 
See if there's been any change since you last examined your breasts.
You should feel for a lump or thickening in the breast tissues.
Lie down on your bed or on the floor, put a pillow or a bath towel under your left shoulder, and place your left hand under your head.
With the fingers of your right hand held together flat, press gently but firmly with small circular motions to feel the inner, upper quarter of your left breast, starting at your breastbone and going outward toward the nipple line. 
Also feel the area around the nipple.
With the same gentle pressure next feel the lower, inner parts of your breast. 

Now bring your left arm down to your side, and still using the flat part of your fingers, feel under your armpit. 

Use the same gentle pressure to feel the upper, outer quarter of your breast from the nipple line to where your arm is resting. 

And finally, feel the lower, outer section of your breast, proceeding from the outer part to the nipple.  

Repent the entire procedure as described above, for the right breast.

For a Safe and Healthy Life always check Your Breast (self examination).

                                                                                    Pink Ribbon for Breast Cancer awareness
 Breast Cancer.


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