Sunday 1 July 2018

Adharma (Not established or firm) and Vidharmi (Heretic, Misbeliever, Miscreant, Sectarian) .

In bookish definition the antonym of dharma is adharma (Sanskrit: अधर्म), meaning that which is “not dharma”.

As with dharma, the word adharma includes and implies many ideas; in common parlance, adharma means that which is against nature, immoral, unethical, wrong or unlawful.

There is nothing adharmic in this world. Going through the definition of Dharma one man’s Dharma could be another man’s Adharma. 

For example one Man, Sect, Religion is pure vegetarians like – (In Hindus – Vaishnava, Jain, or likewise). 

They don’t eat even Garlic, Onion, Egg, Meat, Fish etc.

Their belief, custom don’t permit them to eat these things. If someone from this group eat these things it means s/he or that group is Adharmic. 

But another Man, Sect, Religion eat these things there is no bondage what to eat or to not. So it’s really difficult to say what Adharma is.

But one thing about Adharma - we can say that all those things which hurt human being and against these rules are Adharma. 

These rules are – 

Forgiveness (kshama),

Piety or self control (dama),

Honesty (asteya),

Sanctity (shauch), 

Control of senses (indraiya-nigrah), 

Reason (dhi),

Knowledge or learning (vidya),

Truthfulness (satya


Absence of anger (krodha)

Manu further writes, "Non-violence, truth, non-coveting, purity of body and mind, control of senses are the essence of dharma". 

 3. Vidharmi  (Heretic, Misbeliever, Miscreant, Sectarian) - 

 A Heretic is a person who belongs to a particular religion, but whose beliefs or actions seriously disagree with the principles of that religion.

4. Religion – “The belief in the existence of a God or Gods and the activities that are connected with the worship of God”. 

The law says everyone has the right to practice their own God. 

It is also used in different terms too, like Cricket (game) is a religion in India.

Definition of religion in Oxford dictionary – One of the systems of faith that are based on the belief in the existence of a particular God or Gods: the Jewish religion, Christianity, Hindu, Islam, Buddhism and other world religions.
                                                        The End.

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