Sunday 22 July 2018

How does cancer spread? Is cancer a single disease? How does a doctor tell if growth is cancerous?

                                         Skin Cancer

How does cancer spread?

         In 3 ways:

       - Cancer cells grow through the walls of blood vessels and are carried by the blood
           stream to other parts of the body.

       -  They enter the lymphatic stream and are carried to lymph glands.

       -  They grow directly from one tissue to another

Is cancer a single disease?

No. the term "cancer" includes all forms of malignant growth.

Very many varieties are known. These have certain characteristics in common though such as uncontrolled growth a tendency to spread widely in the body and fatal termination if not treated early and adequately. 

They differ in certain characteristics, such as location in the body, microscopic appearance, and response to treatment. 

Their histories of development may be quite dissimilar and it is probable that the conditions which may precede them also differ greatly.

How fast does cancer grow?

There is no definite rate of growth of cancer tissue; some types will grow more in a few weeks than other types will, in several years.

How does a doctor tell if growth is cancerous?

By performing a biopsy i.e. examining a small portion of the tissue under a microscope.

In advanced cases, physical examination alone may reveal the diagnosis. But the chances of cure at this late stage are very poor.

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