Saturday 2 May 2020

Epidemic or Pandemic (Janapadodhwans) on the panorama of Ayurveda


Mahatma Gandhi is battling flu (1918), told a confidante at a retreat in the western Indian state of Gujarat.

The highly infectious Spanish flu had swept through the ashram in Gujarat where 48-year-old Gandhi was living, (four years after he had returned from South Africa).

There he was taken care of his health. The diet provided during "this protracted and first long illness" of his life was mostly liquid diet. 

When the news of his illness spread, a local newspaper wrote: "Gandhi's life does not belong to him - it belongs to India".

Gandhi and his associates at the ashram were lucky to recover. 

The famous Hindi language writer and poet, Suryakant Tripathi, better known as Nirala, who was living in Allahabad present Prayagraj lost his wife, daughter and several members of his family to the flu. 

“My family”, he wrote, "disappeared in the blink of an eye". 

He found the Ganges River "flowing with dead bodies". 

Bodies piled up, and there wasn't enough firewood to cremate them. 

To make matters worse, a failed monsoon led to a drought and famine-like conditions, leaving people starving and weak.

The deadly flu (Spanish flu), which slunk in through a ship of returning soldiers that docked in Bombay (now Mumbai) in June 1918, ravaged India. 

The disease, according to health inspector JS Turner, came "like a thief in the night, its onset rapid and insidious". 

A second wave of the epidemic began in September in southern India and spread along the coastline.

The influenza killed between 17 and 18 million Indians, more than all the casualties in World War One. 

India bore a considerable burden of death - it lost 6% of its people. More women - relatively undernourished, cooped up in unhygienic and ill-ventilated dwellings, and nursing the sick - died than men. 

The pandemic is believed to have infected a third of the world's population and claimed between 50 and 100 million lives.

Throughout the history, there have been a number of pandemics such as smallpox and tuberculosis (TB). 

One of the most devastating pandemics was the BLACK DEATH  (also known as The Plague), which killed an estimated 75–200 million people in the 14th century. 

Other notable pandemics are the 2009 influenza (H1N1), pandemics include HIV/AIDS( though not contagious but still deadly)  and the COVID19. 

What is Pandemic?

Pandemic is a Greek word (πᾶν, pan, 'all' and δῆμος, demos, 'people') it is used for Epidemic which spread in a vast area of the Earth, crossing all barriers of Nationality, Oceans and Mountains. 

Pandemic spreads across the region, countries and its impact goes to worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people. 

A widespread endemic  disease with a stable number of infected people is not a pandemic. 

Widespread endemic diseases with a stable number of infected people such as recurrences of seasonal influenza are generally excluded as they occur simultaneously in large regions of the globe rather than being spread worldwide.

 A Pandemic is an Epidemic occurring on a large scale which crosses international boundaries, usually affecting people on a worldwide scale.  

A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious. 

For instance, CANCER is responsible for many deaths but is not considered a pandemic because the disease is neither infectious nor contagious.

Ayurveda though being an ancient life science clearly mention’s about such disease conditions. 

A detailed chapter on Janapadodhwans (Epidemic or Pandemic) in Charak Samhita Vimansthan 3 rd Adhyay (Chapter) explains epidemic disease and its etiological factors. 

In Sushrut samhita there is a good description on mode of transfer of disease. 

They are called Aupasargik rogas (4) (Communicable diseases)

From these references we come to know that in ancient time also there were such epidemics. 

A detailed regimen for such diseases is also described in Charak Samhita as use of Panchakarma and Rasayana along with Sadvrittapalan (good conduct).

There is a very minute description about the epidemic in our traditional medicine Ayurveda. 

Janapadodhwans word has been mentioned for the condition of epidemic. Janpadodhwans means death of people of a state (ancient kingdom).

Charak Samhita (an ancient famous book of Ayurveda, 800 B.C, author Agnivesh), has explained various aspects of our life, as well as epidemic also. 

The great Ayurveda Scholar, Charak, has focused on the aetiology, pathology, symptoms, precautions and their treatment for various diseases.

The great Ayurveda scholar, Rishi Atreya has discussed with his students (pupils) and advised them to collect medicinal plants which are very potent and effective during emergency of epidemic, after minute perusal of adverse properties of nakshatra, planets, moon, sun, air, fire, directions (east-west, north-south). 

He said that if there is any change in the natural behaviour of nakshatra, planets, sun, moon it affects the nature of seasons and the biodiversity.

If this phenomenon persists for a long amount of time, seasons show a very unusual nature or properties on earth. 

So he concluded that extreme conditions of Air (vayu), Water (jal), Desh or Sthan (place) and Kaal (time) are responsible for epidemic (Janpadodhwansh).

He has microscopically described about the sign of polluted air, contaminated and dirty water, bad condition of place or country as well as ruined condition of time (through nature of seasons). 

Such beautiful and clear descriptions are not found in anywhere else even in the present era.

Root cause of epidemic (Janpadoshwans) is adharma as per Ayurveda, Adharma means opposite nature, and unlawful duties of men, animals and seasons. 

He has advised to continue the use rasayanas to maintain the good health, to boost quality immunity and to protect from disease, this is the first aim of Ayurveda. 

So we should use Chyawanprash, amla, haritaki (harar) guduchi and pipalli.

Other medicines, as per symptoms, found in disease may also be recommended. 

He has quoted some statement (guidelines) to be followed during epidemic or Janpadodhwans -  

"They will help as medicine, such as truthfulness, kind to every creation, donation for others (Daan), pray to almighty (God), to follow sadvritta (follow good conduct), keep calm. 

Protect your health through various physical exercises, live in welfare village and town, follow steps of brahmcharya ashram, service for saints, listen them and read religious books and discuss with aged people". 

The Ayurvedic philosophy of treatment is to avoid the aetiology and to follow the favourable habits and duties.

Novel corona virus/Covid19 as a new deadly virus spreading in the whole world. 

A vast number of countries affected with this rare wide and rapid spreading epidemic.

Finally WHO announced COVID19 as a pandemic. 

Globally no known medicine and vaccine is available. 

But our veteran modern Physicians treating Covid19, cases with various allopathic medicines and emergency management to save lives based on expertise and symptoms.

Ayurveda has also not any recommended medicine for this epidemic (Janpadodhwans). 

Only Rasayana has been recommended in ancient Charak Samhita. Some medicines may be suggested keeping in mind for the affected systems and symptoms for Covid19 patients, based on previous experiences of other diseases.

These medicines may be recommended to confirm and suspected cases both for a week; separate data of patients should be prepared and analysed; only then we can see good results. 

wish it will be the turning point for Ayurveda.

This article is prepared on the basis of discussion with Dr. S. M. Tripathi, MD (Ayurveda), working Scientist of a reputed institute. A Ayurveda doctor of repute. 



  1. Om om om
    This article is again delicious to read,again my knowledgable friend,i gain new ancient hidden knowlege,always when i read articles from you i gain nor only knowledge also enlightment.
    Ecxellent,from intro to object till end,a real delicacy to read.
    Thank you so so much


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