Monday 6 February 2017

My Experience with B C C (Behavior Change Communication).

Being a National Level Trained I E C / B C C Trainer, once I was taking a class of Para Medics most of them were Senior Treatment Supervisor, Lab Supervisors, and Lab Assistants in (R N T C P) Revised National T B Control Program (TB) program in different district's of Bihar. 
There were all together 45 Trainees. Because I used to be in the field for 10 to 15 days in a month, I knew that Para medics were not taking seriously their job. So I decided to give them a shock therapy. 
The Director Madam of the training institute and my friend Medical Officer, Dr. Diwakar were also there for the I E C / B C C class to hear something knew from me.
I took a slide on which sputum is tested. I asked the trainees what is this? They said a slide. I said no think it as some bodies heart, and You are testing the inner part of the heart. Your mood is not good, whatever be the reason may be U have quarrel with Your wife, some native or the Boss has given you a lesson. 
You started testing the Slide whether it’s Positive or Negative. You missed concentration and a Negative slide is made Positive or Vise versa. 
What happened either s/he will start medicine or left it. In both the cases You People are killing a Human. Will U take the responsibility of it? Is it not a sin? 
There was a pin drop silence in the hall. All of them were stunned; I was looking straight in the eyes of trainees. After some time they realized what actually they were doing. 
All of them stand up in the hall and said Sir, You have opened our eyes, and sorry from the heart and promise that again U will not find us lazy. This was the victory of B C C or (Behavior Change Communication).
                      Friends Your comments are awaited.

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