Wednesday 8 February 2017

When will we celebrate " No TB Day". 24 th march World TB Day.

 Myself in the left.

So there is World TB day on 24 march. 
One of the biggest killer diseases. 
which kills 2 persons in every 3 minutes and 1,000 every day. 
Every year 1.96 million New persons develop this disease. 
A single (1) patient can infect 10 or more people in a year. 
And after this too we r celebrating World TB Day from years and it will continue. Is this the Happy Birthday of TB? 
which Govt. Officers, Ministers and other organizations r celebrating? 
The participation of common people r nearly Zero. 
Why its so? Simple reason is - Lack of awareness. 
Ask any people on road or in office does he know 24 march is World TB day and the answer will be - Big No. 
Again why? I have been the part and parcel of this crude truth.
Why not we say "Awake the society".
 A war against TB " By the People, For the people Of the People".
Can I ask one question from all the professionals working in this field or r related - "Are not we ignoring basics of TB Awareness". 
Officers, Program in charge  think that YES everyone knew it. But missing that people are not aware of the " fact, Causes, Symptoms and Prevention"
SYMPTOMS OF TB - Characteristic symptoms of TB are –
persistent cough of more than 2 weeks duration
cough with sputum, Coughing up Blood.
Fever, Night sweats.
weight loss, chest pain.
Loss of energy.
A productive cough.
If any of these symptoms persist beyond
three weeks, the person concerned should visit the
Nearest DOTS TB Center or Health Center and
get his sputum examined.
Be Aware and get rid of this Killer disease and make the Family, society, State, Nation, World free from TB..

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