Sunday 22 January 2017

Ancient Indian Education System (From the Beginning to 10th A.D.) Part 1.

 Ruins of Nalanda University, Bihar.
In ancient India a child followed the occupation of his father, either religious or professional and his training in that particular field was provided by his father in his house. 

Over a period of time two system of education developed the Vedic and the Buddhist. 

As the name indicates in the former system Vedas, Vedangas, Upanishads and other allied subjects were taught while in the latter system, thoughts of all the major school of Buddhism was taught.

While Sanskrit was the medium of instruction in the Vedic system of education, Pali was the medium of instruction in the Buddhist system of education.

But both system offered vocational education apart from religious education of their respective faiths. 

There was also a purely vocational system of education wherein master craftsmen and artisans taught their skills to students who worked as apprentice under them.

This system collapsed during the Muslim invasion. And later British education system or Lord Cornwallis education system of making clerks started which is continuing till date, which put the education level down in India.

Famous Educational Institutions:
Takshasila: In Gandhar (In today's Pakistan) - 

This was a chief center of learning in 6th century B.C. Here sixteen branches of learning were taught in different schools; each presided by a special professor. 

There were schools of painting, sculpture, image making and handicrafts.
 But this university was reputed for its medical school. 
Some famous student of this medical school was Jivaka who cured king Bimbasara of Magadha and the great Buddha.
Jivaka had studied here for seven years under the Rishi Atreya. Chanakaya was the greatest student of this great centre, everyone knows about him. 
Chandragupta Maurya pupil of Chanakaya, first Maurya Emperor and conqueror of Nanda and Seleucus Nicator. King Puru who fought with Alexander the Great.
Nalanda: In Bihar (India) -
It was a center of learning from the fifth century BC to 1200 AD.  
Renowned for its cosmopolitan and catholic character, the University of Nalanda was famous for its faculty of Logic, Buddhist literature, Sukta, Mimansa, Hindu and Buddhist Philosophy, Ayurveda, Astrology etc.
It was also a great center of Pali, Prakrit, and Mahayana. It had 7 storied Library. There were 2,000 teachers and 10, 000 students. The teacher - student ratio was 1/5.
While Nalanda was the famous seat of learning in eastern India, Vallabhi was the renowned seat of learning in the western India. 
If Nalanda was specializing in the higher studies of Mahayana Buddhism, Vallabhi was the center for the advanced learning in Hinyana Buddhism. 
Secular subjects like Arthasastra (economics), Niti Shastra (law) and Chikitsa Sastra (medicine) were also taught here and like Nalanda students from all parts of India used to come here to study. 
Students who graduated from this university used to be employed in the royal courts as administrators with huge responsibilities.
Just like Nalanda University was destroyed by Muslim invaders, Vallabhi also met the same fate.
Vikramasila: In Bihar. The University of Vikramasila was renowned for Tantric Buddhism or Hinyana.
Ujjain:  In MP. It was famous for its secular learning including mathematics and astronomy.
Odantpuri:  In Bihar. Another center of Buddhist education, literature, Sanskrit.
Banaras:  In UP. It is one of the oldest city of World. Still a great centre of learning. Sanskrit, Philosophy, Veda, Ayurveda, Astrology, a well-known centre for teaching theology.
Salotgi in Karnataka  -
It was an important Centre of learning. It had 27 hostels for its students who hailed from different provinces. 
This college was richly endowed in 945 A.D. by Narayana the minister of Krishna III with the revenues of houses, land and levies on marriages and other ceremonies.
Ennayiram in Tamilnadu  - 
This institution provided free boarding and tuition to 340 students. Other important centers of learning in South India were Sringeri and Kanchi.





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