Tuesday 24 January 2017

Cancer in Men



What are some of the early signs of cancer?

There are seven common ones. They are often called the Seven Danger Signals of Cancer:
  • Change in bowel or bladder habits.
  • Sore that does not heal.
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge.
  • Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere.
  • Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
  • Obvious change in wart or mole.
  • Nagging cough or hoarseness.
  • (In short CAUTION - First letter of  each line).
You should at once consult a doctor upon the appearance of any sign.
Cancer of the Bladder-

This is a slow growing cancer, and responds well to treatment.

Tobacco and chronic irritation are prime causes.

House Painters, hair dressers, truck drivers, textile workers and printers are at a risk due to the chemicals they are constantly in touch.

Blood in urine and painful passing of urine are symptoms to beware.
Colorectal Cancer-

This is linked to high fat and low fiber diet. It is a rich man’s disease, and prevalent in the richer countries.

Diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, lower back or bladder, or a change in bowel habits are symptoms of this cancer.

Esophageal Cancer - 

Tobacco and alcohol predispose you to this cancer and pickled foods and too much spice.

Symptoms are trouble in swallowing, choking, pain and spasms in the throat.

Vitamin A and C are recommended as   retardants.
Kidney Cancer - 

It affects most men than women.

Blood in the urine, backache, fullness or lumps in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, are signs of Renal Cell Cancer.

Renal pelvic cancers affect people over age of 60 years.

Battery    makers, electroplates, and rubber workers are at particular risk.

Tobacco, cadmium, high protein and saccharine are prime suspects.
Liver Cancers -

They may be primary or secondary.

Symptoms are loss of appetite, weight loss, abdominal swelling, pain, fever and jaundice.

Cirrhosis is closely linked with cancer of the liver. Avoid alcohol, vinyl chloride (plastics), drug abuse, aflatoxins from fungus on peanuts.
Lung Cancers - 

90% of these can be attributed to smoking.

Women are catching up on men smokers. Pollution in the cities has increased chances lung cancer .

To counter the toxicity of pollution, increase intake of green leafy vegetables and yellow and orange fruit.

Symptoms may include persistent cough, weight loss and loss of appetite.
Oral Cancers -

They are the most common cancers in India .

They include cancers of the mouth, tongue and oral cavity.

This is definitely a life style induced cancer. Smoking, chewing of tobacco, and alcohol intake, coupled with inadequate Vitamin A and B complex are causes.
Cancer of the Pancreas -

There is no known cure for this cancer.

Symptoms are abdominal pain, jaundice, loss of appetite or weight loss.

 It is recommended that you abstain from tobacco use, follow a low fat diet, eat fruit and vegetables, moderately fried or grilled foods.

Margarine not butter is a suspect
Prostrate Cancer - 

Also known as silent killer.

Men over 50 years should include PSA (Prostrate Sensitive Antigen) test in their annual medical routine.
Stomach Cancer - 

They are known as slow growing and hard to treat.

 People with Blood group A and who have pernicious anemia are at risk.

 Eat plenty of raw veg - cruciform, or dark green and yellow vegetables with vitamin A and C are best.

Avoid highly salted or smoked or pickled foods.

                                             The   END.

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