Saturday 28 January 2017

When will We Celebrate World No AIDS Day?...

World AIDS Day is held on the 1st December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV.
Its !st December.
How Do People Get HIV?
A person gets HIV when an infected person's body fluids (blood, semen, fluids from the vagina or breast milk) enter his or her bloodstream. The virus can enter the blood through linings in the mouth, anus, or sex organs (the penis and vagina), or through broken skin.
Both men and women can spread HIV. A person with HIV can feel okay and still give the virus to others. Pregnant women with HIV also can give the virus to their babies
Common ways people get HIV:
• Sharing a needle to take drugs
• Having unprotected sex with an infected person
Who Can Get HIV?
Anyone can get HIV if they engage in certain activities. You may have a higher risk of getting HIV if you:
• Have unprotected sex. This means vaginal or anal intercourse without a condom or oral sex without a latex barrier with a person infected with HIV.
• Share needles to inject drugs or steroids with an infected person. The disease can also be transmitted by dirty needles used to make a tattoo or in body piercing.
• Receive a blood transfusion from an infected person. This is very unlikely in the U.S. and Western Europe, where all blood is tested for HIV infection.
• Are born to a mother with HIV infection. A baby can also get HIV from the breast milk of an infected woman.
Does HIV Have Symptoms?
Some people get flu-like symptoms a month or two after they have been infected. These symptoms often go away within a week to a month. A person can have HIV for many years before feeling ill.
As the disease progresses, both women and men may experience yeast infections on the tongue (thrush), and women may develop severe vaginal yeast infections or pelvic inflammatory disease .
What Are the Symptoms of AIDS?
Signs that HIV is turning into AIDS include:
• A fever that won't go away
• Sweating while you sleep
• Feeling tired all the time (not from stress or lack of sleep)
• Feeling sick all the time
• Losing weight
• Swollen glands (neck, groin, or underarms)
What Infections Do People With AIDS Get?
People with AIDS are extremely vulnerable to infection, called AIDS-defining illnesses, and often exhibit the following conditions:
• Kaposi's sarcoma, a skin tumor that looks like dark purple blotches
• Mental changes and headaches due to fungal infections or tumors in the brain and spinal cord.
• Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing due to infections of the lungs
• Dementia
• Severe malnutrition
• Chronic diarrhea
How Is AIDS Diagnosed?
If a person with HIV infection has a CD4 count that drops below 200 -- or if certain infections appear (AIDS-defining illnesses) -- that person is considered to have AIDS
How Can I Keep From Getting HIV?
The best way to protect yourself from HIV is to avoid activities that put you at risk. There's no way to tell by looking at someone if he or she has HIV. Always protect yourself.
• Use latex condoms (rubbers) whenever you have any type of sex (vaginal, anal, or oral).
• Don't use condoms made from animal products.
• Use water-based lubricants. Oil-based lubricants can weaken condoms.
• Never share needles to take drugs.
• Avoid getting drunk or high. People who are drunk or high may be less likely to protect themselves.
How Can I Prevent HIV From Progressing to AIDS?
You can help prolong your life by taking good care of yourself and developing a good relationship with an experienced doctor specializing in HIV and AIDS. Also, be consistent about taking your HIV medications as prescribed and getting regular lab work to catch any problems early.
                               Be Healthy, Be Happy.

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