Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Sanatan Law behind Saptapadi or 7 Stanzas with 7 Steps or can say 7 promises or Vows in Sanatan Marriage..

Importance of Saptapadi in Sanatan or Hindu Marriage and its meaning.

                Vow (Sapath) of the bride -

             The bride takes the following consecutive seven vows, one at each step.
  • 1. त्वत्तो मेऽखिलसौभाग्यं पुण्यैस्त्वं विविधैकृतै देव ! संपादितो मह्यं वधूराद्ये पदेऽब्रवीत्‌ ।।
Meaning: O Lord! I have had the good fortune of acquiring you due to the various types of merits acquired by me in various births.

  • 2. कुटुंबं पालयिष्यामि ह्यावृद्धबालकादिकम्‌  यथालब्धेन संतुष्ठा व्रते कन्या व्दितीयके ।।
Meaning:  I will look after your entire family, from the infant to the aged and will be happy with whatever I get for my sustenance.

  • 3. मिष्ठान्नव्यंजनादिनी काले संपादये तव  आज्ञासंपादिनी नित्यं तृतीये साऽब्रवीव्दरम्‌ ।।
Meaning: I will always abide by your directives and will regularly cook delicious food, vegetables, etc.

  • 4. शुचिशृंगारभूषाऽहं वाङ्मनकायकर्मभि क्रीडि ष्यामि त्वया सार्धं तुरीये सा वदेव्दरम्‌ ।।
Meaning:  I will embellish myself with clean attire and will indulge in sexual play with you through acts with the mind, speech and body.

  • 5. दु:खे धीरा सुखे हृष्टा सुखदु:खविभागिनी  नाहं परतरं यामि पंचमे साऽब्रवीव्दरम्‌ ।।
Meaning:  I who face sorrow bravely and remain pleased in happiness will share both your happiness and sorrow and will never indulge in adultery.

  • 6. सुखेन सर्वकर्माणि करिष्यामि गृहे तव  सेवा श्वसुरयोश्चामि बन्धूनां सत्कृतिं तथा ।। यत्र त्वं वा अहं तत्र नाहं वञ्चे प्रियं क्वचित्‌  नाहं प्रियेण वञ्चा हि कन्या षष्ठे पदेऽब्रवीत्‌ ।।
Meaning:  I will happily perform all your household chores. I will also serve my in-laws and will respect other relatives. I will stay wherever you stay. I will never deceive my beloved (Husband) and will never get deceived by him.

  • 7. होमयज्ञादिकार्येषु भवामि  सहाय्यकृत्‌  धर्मार्थकामकार्येषु मनोवृत्तानुसारिणी ।। सर्वेऽत्र साक्षिणस्त्वं मे पतिर्भूतोऽसि सांप्रतम्‌  देहो मयार्पितस्तुभ्यं सप्तमे साऽब्रवीव्दरम्‌ ।।
Meaning: O Pranpriya Pati (Dear Husband)! I will assist you in the rituals of sacrificial fires (Hawan or hom-yadnya), etc. and will obey you with regard to Righteousness (Dharma), wealth (artha) and desire (Kama). Here, in the presence of the deity of fire (Agnidev), the Brahmans, my parents and relatives you have become my husband or Patidev and I have offered my body unto you.

Vows (Sapath) of the Groom

The Mantra or Vow and meaning of the mantra to be chanted by the groom with each step is as follows -
    • 1. ‘इष एकपदी भव-सामामनुव्रताभव-पुत्रान्विदावहैबहूंस्तेसंतुजरदष्टय।।
    • Meaning: O bride, you have walked one step with me, so we have become friends; hence you be my provider of food. Help me to fulfill my vowed religious observances (Tyohar, Vrats). May we have many sons and may they have a long life.

    • 2. उर्जेव्दिपदीभव-सामामनु० ……………..।।
              (The rest should be chanted like mantra at number 1 and the same should be   
               repeated when each mantra chanted).
              Meaning: O bride, you have walked two steps with me; hence may you become one who
              will give me strength.
    • 3. रायस्पोषायत्रिपदी भव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: O bride, since you have walked three steps with me, may you become one who will increase my wealth.
    • 4. मायोभव्यायचतुष्पदी भव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: Since you have walked four steps with me may you increase my happiness.
    • 5. प्रजाभ्पंचपदी भव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: Since you have walked five steps with me, may you give birth to children.
    • 6. ऋतुभ्:षट्‌ पदी भव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: Since you have walked six steps with me may you give me pleasure in all seasons.
    • 7. सखासप्तपदीभव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: You have walked seven steps with me; hence our friendship (relationship) has become strong.
    • (Saptapadi shlokas as per given on).  
  • This Saptapadi is the Soul of Sanatan Marriage. Without this no marriage is complete and has the blessings of God, Father – Mother, Relatives and Well Wishers.


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