Wednesday 8 March 2017

Astro - Moon Sign - from LEO to SCORPION.

5. - LEO: - 

Mental tendencies
Peoples are born in Leo are creative, ambitious as well as a various, warm hearted. They have liking for art, literature and music, they have decided gift for leadership
Physically tendencies 

They have average height, oval faced, persons born in this sing will be magnetic in the appearance with broad shoulders and back, well developed musicale, they have a shock of yellow gold or tawny hair. 

General tendencies. 

Bold, irritable, large cheeks, blonde, broad face, brown eyes, repugnant to women, likes meat, frequenting forests and hills, colic troubles, inclined to be unhappy, haughty, mental anxiety, liberal, generous, deformed body, steady, aristocratic, settled views, proud, ambitious.
General character: 

King Planet Sun governs your zodiac sign. You want to live like a king. They are stick to outbox principals in religion but are perfectly tolerant. You have seed with a strong personality, which can take you places if you so desire.
You are logical in your approach to most things but sometimes you get so confused over the small issues. An extrovert, you have many friends and you are a good host. You learn to branch out on your own even if it turns out to be an expensive idea since you are ready to sacrifice much if it benefits in the long run. 
You are very much a materialistic person; you will find it difficult to do without worldly things. The picture you portray, however, is of the strong silent type. Your plus point is keeping a good relationship with those persons who could be of use to you in some way. 
You are self-opinionated person though you may behave otherwise. Sometimes you act very superficially and you yourself will not know why. You are quite power-hungry and given to vices any of which could cause you destruction both mentally and physically. 
You are an out-going person basically and have a wide circle of friends. You are a well-loved person since you speak attractively and have good manners. 

You can't tolerate your failures because you want to rule and you are impatient to reach that level. You don't let anyone come in the way of achieving power. You are brave and don't spend sleepless nights on major or minor worries provided you have been sincere and just. 

Basically an extrovert, you reach out to people in all walks of life. You are helpful to those in trouble and don't expect anything in return. To win your favor, it is wise to flatter you and this happens to you all the time but you won't notice it. 

Romantic character:  
You tend to take people who love you for granted and this is quite a negative trait as the relationship could turn into a love-hate one. You don't like to chase the opposite sex, instead preferring to be chased. Your ego and arrogant nature can hurt the feelings of your partner, and causes frequent breakups in the relationship. 

Important information on Leo
  • Good career choices for Leo are:
    Politician, Military officer, Manager, Explorer, Teacher and Any position that needs leadership qualities.
  • Your ruling planet: Sun.
  • The lion is associated with Leo.
  • Your lucky color: orange.
  • Your lucky gemstones: Ruby.
Your lucky numbers : 1, 4 and 6.

6. - VIRGO: - 

Mental tendencies 

Viragoes are traditionally shy and modest, hard working. They are loves of music and fine arts they are intelligent, sensible and very good at detailed task. They lack self-confidence. They are impulsive, emotional and fond of learning. They have active minds 

Physical tendencies: - People in life. They have faith in affection they are sincere in life they do not succeed as much as they would like to and often through out they struggle very much they have straight nose cheeks massive and the forehead good their chest will be prominent and when affected weak also.

General tendencies: - they are discriminating and emotional and get easily carried away by impulse. They exhibit their intelligence when quit young. They are cautious regarding their own interests, prudent, economical. Diplomatic and shrewd. . 

Virgo : Lovely complexion, almond eyes, modest, sunken shoulders and arms, charming, attractive, principled, affluent, comfortable, soft body, sweet speech, honest; truthful, modest, virtuous, intelligent, phlegmatic, fond of women, acute insight, conceited in self-estimation, pensive, conversationalist, many daughters, loquacious, astrologer and clairvoyant or attracted towards them, skilled in arts like music and dancing, few sons. 

General character:
Virgos are creative, delicate, and intelligent. You love to have everything in order, but are also patient. You are very observant, which can lead you to be judgmental. Some people may think that you are a cold person, because you rarely show your emotions.

You also have a lot of charm and dignity, although you may not have many friends, due to your troubles with showing your feelings. Virgos are more followers than leaders. You are always logical. Romantic character: 

Your attraction for the opposite sex leads you into unpleasant situations at times. Opposite sex gets attracted to you for your good manners, polite language, not realizing it is a ruse. Your attraction for the opposite sex will lead you from one affair to another. This is because you like to use your creativity and imagination in the relationship. However, you better not wear your heart on your sleeve. 

Important Information on Virgo ans
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Doctor, Writer, Nurse, Teacher, Psychologist, Critic and Public Speaker.
•  Virgoans are prone problems with the abdomen and nervous system.
  • Your ruling planet: Mercury.
  • The Virgin is associated with Virgo.
  • Your lucky colors: green and dark brown.
  • Your lucky gemstone: emerald
   Your lucky numbers: 2, 5 and 7.

7. - LIBRA: - 

Mental tendencies:- peoples born in Libra are positive, confusing quick-witted , vindictive, force full and idealistic . They are always citing to balance thing to weight and scales evenly.

Physical tendencies: - they are handsome and good-looking. They are generally possess fair complexion atoll sized stature, broad face, fine eyes broad chest and regular feature their appearance will be generally youth full. 

General tendencies :
They are keen observers of human nature. They are love justice, peace order and agreeable persons. They are great lovers of music art, fashion and beauty.

Libra : Reverence and respect for learned and holy people, saints and gods; tall, raised nose, thin, deformed limbs, sickly constitution, rejected by kinsmen, intelligent, principled, wealthy, business-like, obliging, love for arts, far-seeing idealistic, clever, mutable, amicable, losses through women, loves women, just, not ambitious, aspiring. 

General character:  

Libra (the balance) is said to be the most desired Zodiac Sign. You are charming, good looking, gentle and kind. You are a good judge of character and have many good friends. You do not like it when your decisions are challenged, and are impatient with people who criticize you. 

You hate people who are cruel to others. Libras enjoy the arts more than science, so a career in the arts would be a good choice. You will understand other people's views and sympathize with them. A negative Librarian (there aren't many) flirts and seems shallow. They also are impatient with a daily routine.  

Romantic character: 

Take care in romance as you have a tendency to flirt from one love affair to another. You also have an attraction for the opposite sex but should be careful as you are very emotional, therefore you cannot make difference between good and bad. 

You are advised to think well before making the first move, because, sometimes your partner may put you in a scandal. Every one of the opposite sexes is not a virtuous, honest and loveable person. Some are cunning and advantage seeking. A beautiful love partner can be paradise for the eyes, hell for the soul and purgatory for the purse. 

Important Information on Librarians
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Diplomat, Lawyer, Civil servant, Banker, Fashion designer, Composer, astrologers, Writer and Interior decorator
  • Librarians are prone to kidney problems and a weak back.
  • Your ruling planet: Venus.
  • The Scales of Balance are associated with Libra.
  • Your lucky color: white
  • Your lucky gemstone: diamond
Your lucky numbers: 1, 2 and 7.

8. - SCORPION: - 

PERSON born in Scorpio are hard workers, idealists interested in occult forms of study they possess a subtle mind. Scorpions are incredibly inquisitive 

Physical tendencies: 

They are very handsome in appearance. Their personalities are very strong. The bones are well developed. They have broad eyes, tall figure curly hair and broad forehead. 

General tendencies;-
Scorpion who has had a loving home will develop into a friendly , caring person. They have good memories and will remember your kindness as well as your cruelties. They are exceedingly fickle minded and love much excitement they may become expert musicians if they learn that art. 

They can also become proficient in like they up hold their own vieaus. Their constitution will be hot and they are liable to suffer from piles. They are often brutal contest they possess enterprises they appreciate luxury but are frugal 

 Broad eyes, wide chest, round shanks and thighs, isolation from parents or preceptors, brown complexion, straight-forward, frank, open- minded, cruel, simulator, malicious, sterility, agitated, unhappy, wealthy, impetuous, obstinate.

 General character: 
Scorpio (the scorpion) is intense and powerful. Although you appear controlled and calm, you are emotional and energetic. Scorpios often have strong and penetrating eyes. They seem fun to be with socially, but some seem self-involved and withdrawn. 

You can recognize your special qualities and it requires self-control to prevent you from using them for bad reasons. In relationships, you can be passionate and overwhelming. You are also very sensitive and take almost every comment to heart. You discard friends when they start to bore you. 

Romantic character:

The opposite sex holds a fair deal of attraction to you but you should be careful in your dealings with them as you usually end up in unpleasant situations, because of the zeal and determination with which you tackle relationships with the opposite sex. 

Be friendly by all means, but treat the person like one treats a rose. Enjoy its glory, but do not crush its petals. You will find more satisfaction. You cannot be faithful for too long and this will not only destroy your reputation, but also remain a painful memory all your life. 

Important Information on Scorpions:
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Surgeon, Psychologist, Soldier, Research scientist, Police, Detective, Spy and Lawyer
  • Scorpions are prone to liver and kidney problems.
  • Your ruling planet: mars
  • The scorpion is associated with Scorpio.
  • Your lucky color: dark red or maroon.
  • Your lucky gemstone: coral
Your lucky numbers: 2, 7, 9.

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