Sunday 5 March 2017

Moon Sign, Indian Astro. Know yourself and other from Her/His Astro Sign..

After a deep study and going through many books. I came on this conclusion that Astrology, Numerology, and all its wings are only a helping hand to make a decision on what to do, how to do, where to do. It’s not complete. Except Almighty and your own intuition, which one can get only after deep Meditation can change his fate. So read everything, but follow your own cautious. My best wishes to all of U.
Moon Sign –
In Astrology Moon is the sign factor of the MIND. Since Moon is the HEAVENLY BODY CLOSEST TO THE EARTH, the magnetic influences of all other planets reach EARTH through the Moon.
Also since the mind is ruled by Moon and all influences on the HUMAN BEING whether PHYSICAL, MENTAL, PSCHYOLOGICAL OR SUPERNATURAL affect the HUMAN MIND. The HUMAN BODY which is ruled by SUN may or may not respond to the mental / psychological / supernatural influences.
Every movement of star gives out a vibration and every star has its own individual movement. All the vibrations of the stars getting together at different moments make effects on human beings and other material beings. It is a much-debated question, whether the stars have any influence at all, on human beings. While we do not wish to concern ourselves with this controversy here, we may be allowed to express our view that judging from the recorded facts and our experience, we come to the conclusion that the heavenly bodies do exert their influence on the human beings, as also other material things in this world.

One point should be carefully noted and borne in mind. The moon enters each rasi sighs of the zodiac each sign of zodiac when ascending imprints its own definite characteristics, mental, physical and personal. Relationships and love, occupation, children's etc.

       1.- ARIES -

Those born in Aries rashi are lovers of scientific thought and ambitious they will be hot. They have ability to plan and also ability to make abide by strong constitution. They love beauty and art. You are rather stubborn but often frank. They are jockey and jolly person. They have practical ideas. Mental affection and Derangements are also likely. OK
General behavior: 
Aries (the ram) loves freedom, and will accept any challenge. You will get impatient if your ideas do not work out immediately and as expected. You are unwilling to follow someone else's suggestions, especially if they do not make sense to you. You often have excess energy, which can make you aggressive. Arians are brave leaders who express care and concern for all they lead. However, an Arian as a follower is rare, and can be troublesome.  Some Arians will act self-centered because they believe that their views are right, and anyone who conflicts with them is wrong. Because you are open and honest, you will make energetic and generous friends. Arians have trouble compromising which can lead to problems in otherwise smooth friendships.
Long face and neck, middle stature, wheat complexion, sharp sight, The temples and narrow at chin broad head, teeth well-set and round Eat complexion, sharp sight, and round Eyes
Sensitive, own thinking jolly, courageous
You are extremely friendly and charming, and are very attracted to the opposite sex. Speaking of romance, you seem to follow Keats' definition of beauty, "A thing of beauty, is a joy forever." You get bored very soon in your affairs because you also prefer intelligent and versatile partners. You are advised to be careful in your relationships as you could get into trouble easily when you let your heart rule your head. The opposite sex finds you fascinating because of your beauty consciousness, lavish expenditure, dynamism and adventurous nature
In Aries: Round eyes, impulsive, fond of travel, irritable, fond of women, vegetable diet, quick to decide and act, haughty, inflexible, sores in the head, dexterous, fickle-minded, war-like, enterprising, good position, self-respect, valiant, ambitious, liable to hydrophobia if the Moon is afflicted, large thighs, popular, restless, idiosyncratic, versatile
Important Information on Arians
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Athlete,Engineer,Doctor, Explorer,Soldier,Sailor,Airman &
    any type of leader
  • You are prone to headaches and indigestion.
  • Your ruling planet: Mars.
  • The ram is associated with Aries.
  • Your lucky color: red.
  • Your lucky gemstone: coral
  • Your lucky numbers: 9 and 1.
2. - TAURUS: - 
Those born in this sigh will act like a bull. They have their own principals and ways. They have a great deal of latent power and energy. They are selfish they are found of pleasure they love beauty and music, movie. They physical power and mental endurance are indeed noteworthy. They always put their ideas into practices General character:  
Taurus (the bull) is determined and peaceful. Although you are not a leader, you will recognize someone with great leadership qualities and follow them. You try to remain the same as everyone else, and are resistant to change. People will enjoy you because you have a good sense of humor and are intelligent. You are a dependable friend who is not scared off by a challenge. You may believe so strongly in your values that you will sacrifice relationships to uphold them. Some Tureens need to be told that they did a good job after accomplishing a task before they feel that they have really accomplished anything.
Your friends are people in the same social standing as you, and you rarely go outside of that standing. Although you are calm and generally against fighting, you will fight if someone is provoking you. Your temper tends to explode in violent bursts that are not always directed at the person they should be.
Romantic character: 
You are faithful by nature and don't indulge in love affairs unnecessarily. You like to be friendly with the opposite sex but do not go far. If you develop a weakness for the opposite sex, this could lead you into trouble.
Important Information on Tureens
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Banking, Medicine, Architecture, Farming, Building, Education, and Cooking.
  • Taureans are prone to throat illnesses, and are at risk of being overweight.
  • The bull is associated with Taurus.
  • Your ruling planet: Venus.
  • Your lucky color: white
  • Your lucky gemstone: diamond
  • Your lucky numbers: 2 and 8.
The stature of the person born in this sign will be short and often tending towards corpulence, lips thick and complexion swarthy, square berid of the body. Beautiful eyes and ears large, broad hands and plump.
Prejudiced and stubborn obstinate, proud and ambitious, easily accessible to adulation but affectionate and leaving, sometimes unreaspasibe
Taurus. ? Liberal, powerful, happy, ability to command, intelligent, handsome, influential, fond of fair sex, happy in middle life and old age, great strides in life, beautiful gait, large thighs and hips, phlegmatic afflictions, rich patience, respected, love-intrigues, inconsistent, wavering mind, sound judgment, voracious eater and reader, lucky, popular, influenced by women, passionate, indolent.

3. - GEMINI: -
They are straight in stature and active in motion. Face well developed. There are depression near the chin, a thin face sanguine complexion, unusual height if male faces are there the eyes are clear and the nose snub. They are weak but active. 
They are very active and tend to become experts in comers and mechanical sciences. They may suffer sudden nervous break down they are taking the decision in always double minded they must be cautions in moving with the opposite sex. Their mind will be often conscious of their own depraasity.they are fraud and deception. They are best in occupations where there is much activity. they are very clever and possess inherent cove rational and literary ability.
General behavior: 
Gemini (the twins) is a very complex and confusing sign. To some people you can seem like a wonderful friend, while to others you will seem two-faced and sneaky. You will act like a child for most of your life. That includes both the good and bad characteristics of children. You are happy and energetic when things go right for you. However, when things go wrong, you can be passive-aggressive and very mean. You find decisions hard to make, since you can never stay with the one that you originally choose. You tend to fight loosing battles for something that you call a "moral" cause (even though you know it isn't). One quality (you decide whether it's good or bad) you have is the ability to lie and appear that you are telling the complete truth. You prefer to use someone else's solution to a problem than thinking of your own. Many of Gemini's poorer traits are due to your lack of self-esteem. It is very tough to get your attention. You will be thinking about many
things at a time and you can't concentrate on any particular thing at one time. You may be praising somebody but at the same time you will be thinking against him (her). But the most intelligent people on the earth are Geminians.
Romantic behavior:
The uncertainty of the Gemini temperament does not favor lasting affairs and is the cause of much friction in their love life. You are little swayed by passion, and the only way to retain your fidelity is to meet your varying moods constantly in a fair and unsuspecting manner. You prefer light relationships to more lasting ones.
Important Information on Geminians:
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Debater, Diplomat ,Preacher,Teacher,Writer,Journalist,Lawyer and astrologer
  • Geminians are prone to diseases of the nervous system and illnesses in the upper body.
  • Your ruling planet: Mercury.
  • The twins are associated with Gemini.
  • Your lucky color: green.
  • Your lucky gemstones: Emerald.
Your lucky numbers: 3 and 7
Gemini has a great sense of humor and they will have a wavering mind. Fond of writing, reading and acting witted. They may seem to be nervous people, but that is largely because. They are restless and inquisitive.
Gemini. ? Well read, creative, fond of women, learned in scriptures, able, persuasive, curly hair, powerful speaker, clever, witty, dexterous, fond of music, elevated nose, thought reader, subtle, long life.

4. - CANCER: - 
General Tendencies
People born in this sign will be extremity, sensitive hesitation, and romantic dreamy. Cancer sign people are very nervous and restless. They are interested in music and dexterous
Physical tendencies:-
They have long arms, long face, wide chest, fair complexion, middle sized body,
Cancer : Wise, powerful, charming, influenced by women, wealthy, kind, good, a bit stout, sensitive; impetuous, unprofitable voyages, meditative, much immovable property, scientist, middle stature, prudent, frugal, piercing, conventional. Romantic behavior: 
You tend to form relationships quickly and get sentimental about your love partners. Although you tend to go in for love affairs aplenty, you always feel dissatisfied; so does your partner if he/she can't understand you well.
General tendencies: -
They are very talking, self-relation, honest unbending. They are very soft and sensitive and easy to hurt. They are deeply attached to their family and children. Cancerians take love very seriously. The mind is institutional; they are desirous of possession and cautious. They can best take up
Important Information on Cancerians
  • Good career choices for you are:

    Journalist, Nurse, Politician, Housekeeper, Chef ,Real-estate-broker and Gardener
  • Cancerians (ironically) are prone to cancer as well as poor eyesight.
  • Your ruling planet: Moon.
  • The crab is associated with Cancer.
  • Your lucky color: silver.
  • Your lucky gemstone: pearl.
  • Your lucky numbers: 4 and 6

General behavior: 
Cancer (the crab) is one of the most difficult zodiac signs to understand. Cancerians can have many different personalities. Most Cancerians like to be at their home, and enjoy large families. You seem unsociable to some people, but you enjoy chatting and gossiping as much as anyone else. You tend to day-dream very often and can be found in a state of fantasy. You enjoy art, writing, and drama, but acting may not be a good career for you because of your tendency to Overact. Cancer is the sign most likely to believe in the zodiac, as well as other psychic happenings. You make a loyal friend and also very patriotic.

                                               Rest in next blog.
                                                  with thanks.



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