Saturday 11 March 2017

Astro - Moon Sign - from SAGGITRIUS to PISCES

Mental tendencies;- those born in Sagittarius have an inclination for philosophy and acute studies they can acquire great mastery in these subjects they are friendly versatile and intetellgent . They are hard workers and generally active and enterprising 

Physical tendencies: - they possess almond eyes and there is brown. They are usually good looking. Evenly set teeth, a happy smile and fullness of the natives of dhanus. 

General tendencies:--
 Sagittarians are restless and over anxious . They are very sociable and are popular in friendly and convivial gatherings. They often have a deep love of music and make excellent musician. They are god fearing, honest, humble and free from hypocrisy. They are prone to be misunderstood unintentionally by others. They are sympathetic and loving and possess good foresight. 

General character:  

Sagittarius (the archer) is optimistic and full of life. You are adventurous, energized and an extrovert. You continue to have a positive outlook even when your ideas are put down. 

You are always on the side of the underdog. 
You have good judgment and enjoy starting projects. You have a nagging need to feel free, which can get you into trouble. You also tend to be impatient. 

Romantic character: 

You are on good terms with members of the opposite sex and enjoy a friendly relationship with them. As an extrovert and a sensible person, your personal relations should give you happiness and satisfaction. 
Due to undue sentimental attachments you tend to get into trouble. You should look for reciprocation in inter-relationships. Go slow when not sure. This phase can be full of joy or agony according to the way you act. 
As far as the opposite sex is concerned, though you have a good rapport with them it will be wise to be discreet. The opposite sex fascinates you and you maintain good relations with them without getting into frivolous acts. Important Information on Sagittarians
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Musician, Teacher, Travel agent, Pilot, Athlete, Bookkeeper
  • Sagittarians are prone to hip and thigh problems, and may also have poor hair, skin, and nails.
  • Your ruling planet is Jupiter.
  • The centaur (half horse, half man) is associated with Sagittarius.
  • Your lucky color is purple.
  • Your lucky gemstone is topaz. / yellow sapphire
  • Your lucky numbers: 3, 5 and 8.
Sagittarius: Face broad, teeth large, skilled in fine arts, indistinct shoulders, disfigured nails and arms, deep and inventive intellect, yielding to praise, good speech, upright, help from wife and women, happy marriage, many children, good inheritance, benefactor, patron of arts and literature, ceremonial-minded, showy, unexpected gifts, author, reflective mentality, inflexible to threats.

10.-  CAPRICORN: - 

Physical tendencies:- Ever attached to wife and children, virtuous, good eyes, slender waist, quick in perception, clever, active, crafty, somewhat selfish, sagacious, strategic, liberal, merciless, unscrupulous, inconsistent, low morals, niggardly and mean. 

They are tall, lean; reddish brown in colours with promind stiff hair on the eyes brown and the chest the head is big and face fairly broad. They have big mouth, large teeth prominent nose and body is thin and fleshy. 

General behavior:  

Capricorn (the goat) is the most serious of all the zodiac signs. You are independent and (usually) confident. You have a tendency to criticize yourself too much, which can lead to low self-esteem.

Capricorns are dependable, but also extremely cautious. You make a fair, but stubborn leader, and this is a job that you can do well. You are very well organized, so you can handle many projects at once. You may go through horrible mood swings, being friendly one moment and mean the next.

Capricorneas admire competent and savvies full people. They have a knack to adapt them selves to circumstances. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economics funds. Capricorns are the ambitious types. 
They are persevering and patient and don't mind waiting to fulfill their goal a Capricorn always thinks every thing over carefully before taking action and that goes for love affairs too. 

Mental tendencies: those born in Capricorn are patient practical and can be very shy , strong willed, ambitious and rather hard people if tempered with realism and humors , can be positive they are reserved, secretive and vindictive , Capricorn natives are cunning and determined. 

Romantic behavior: 

You maintain good relations with members of the opposite sex. You make good and true friends. You are capable of deep and passionate affections. However, in your search for greener pastures, you sometimes switch partners too quickly. Be discreet with the opposite sex as you can face some unpleasant situations. 

Important Information on Capricornians
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Financer, Banker, Manager, Conductor, Teacher/Principal, Real-estate broker
  • Capricornians are prone to knee problems, skin breakouts, and digestive problems.
  • Your ruling planet: Saturn.
  • The goat is associated with Capricorn.
  • Your lucky color: brown (and other dark colors).
  • Your lucky gemstone: black onyx.
Your lucky numbers: 6, 8 and 9.

11. - AQUARIUS: -

General behavior: they make friends of others very soon they are peevish and when provoked rise like a bulldog but their anges is easily sub rided. They shine very well as authors and writers.

Their conversation is always interesting. They are some times timid and funky. Aquarians are cheer full and reliable friends and are usually very popular, since they have social gifts of a high order. In family life they will not have sufficient happiness. They will be much devoted to their husbands or wives. 

They are liable to suffer from colic troubles, chest pain and the like Aquarians in general come in two different types: shy, and lively. Both are strong-willed and honest. Your thoughts are orderly and you plan your life in a systematic manner. Sometimes you are aggressive and loud. 

You are unprejudiced and can see other's points of views. You are serious, but you can also be funny with a dry sense of humor. You are also logical and intelligent. 

There are times when you feel the need to withdraw from people and be alone for a while, which causes some people to think that you are a loner. But, while you are alone, you enjoy meditating and prayer.
Aquarians are usually gifted in drama. You are very independent and rarely go along with the crowd. Some Aquarians are extremely egotistical, as a result will drive friends away.
  • Aquarius. ? Fair-looking, well-formed body, tall, large teeth, belly low, youngish, sensual, sudden elevations and depressions, pure-minded, artistic, intuitional, diplomatic, lonely, peevish artistic taste, energetic, emotional, esoteric, mystical, grateful, healing power 
  • Mental tendencies: - people borne in Aquarius are become teachers writers and lecturers provided the sign is free from affection they are intelligent good memory and capable of dealing with facts. They are cheerful generally idealistic. Generous and humane and are quick to relieve the clysters or wants
Physical tendencies:-

People born in Aquarius they are generally modicum sized, handsome, appearance attractive and disposition elegant their lips are fleshy, cheeks are broad and they have prominent temples and buttocks. 

Romantic behavior:  

You are romantic and idealistic and tend to put your beloved on a pedestal. However, if things don't go as planned the consequent disillusionment gives rise to much unhappiness. You are usually faithful and loyal, but occasionally you behave quite opposite.
When the opposite sex is concerned, you must learn to keep a low key. Over-activity or misplaced trust can lead to a trouble. You are advised to go slow when you are not sure; it is better than regretting the consequences at leisure. 

Important Information on Aquarians
  • Good career choices for you are:
    Photographer, Electronics operator, Pilot, Writer, Teacher, Actor
  • You are prone to leg problems and nervous system difficulties.
  • Your ruling planet: sat
  • The water barer is associated with Aquarius.
  • Your lucky color: Turquoise.\blue
  • Your lucky gemstone: blue sapphire
Your lucky numbers: 2, 3 and 7.

12. - PISCES: - 

Mental tendencies: Pisces are exceedingly romantic, kind hearted and emotional, stub born , psychically receptive highly religious, stoical bigoted and god fearing.

Physical tendencies: - they are fair, stout of middle sized height, swarthy in complexion, eyes, Piscean and in clined towards corpulence. 

Pisces : Fixed, dealer in pearls and fond of wife and children, perfect build, long nose, bright body, annihilating enemies, subservient to opposite sex, handsome, learned, steady, simple, good reputation, loose morals, adventurous, many children, spiritually inclined later in life.

General tendencies character:  

Two fish are associated with your Zodiac Sign. You are generous, caring, and kind. However, you tend to be more concerned about other people's problems than your own. You are not a decisive person and may change your mind many times. 
You are also a follower, but you do not always choose good leaders. Because of your good qualities, you are popular with many types of people, but when you are secretive you drive these friends away. 
Weak concentration skills can get you into trouble at school.  
Romantic character:  

You enjoy good relations with members of the opposite sex. They also enjoy you. But you should play safe when you are not sure. Relationships could be very volatile so it is better to keep things under control. You tend to have too many love affairs so you are advised to control yourself. Too much of a good thing can be upsetting. 
Do not try to show off too much as they can get turned off. Do not go beyond limits when it is not necessary. Maintaining a balance is good for you. 

They are very reserved and are libel to draw premature conclusion on any matter. They god fear and very rigged in the observance of religious customs and practices. They are resections of orthodox cal principles and can forego any thing but orthodoxy. 

They are extremely superstitious. They verily realize their ambitions. They are restless and mythological master pieces they are just in their dealings and fear to trans gress the laurs of truth with all this they lack self confidence. 

Important Information on Pisceans
  • Good career choices for you are: Lawyer, Secretary, Librarian, Pilot, Veterinarian, Architect, Astronomer
  • Pisceans are prone to skin diseases and foot problems.
  • Your ruling planet is Jupiter. 
  • The scorpion is associated with Scorpio.
  • Your lucky color is sea green.
  • Your lucky gemstone is the yellow sapphire
  • Your lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4 and 9.
General character: 
Two fish are associated with your Zodiac Sign. You are generous, caring, and kind. However, you tend to be more concerned about other people's problems than your own. You are not a decisive person and may change your mind many times.
You are also a follower, but you do not always choose good leaders. Because of your good qualities, you are popular with many types of people, but when you are secretive you drive these friends away. Weak concentration skills can get you into trouble at school.

Romantic character:
You enjoy good relations with members of the opposite sex. They also enjoy you. But you should play safe when you are not sure. Relationships could be very volatile so it is better to keep things under control. 
You tend to have too many love affairs so you are advised to control yourself. Too much of a good thing can be upsetting. Do not try to show off too much as they can get turned off. Do not go beyond limits when it is not necessary. Maintaining a balance is good for you. ·

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