Thursday 30 March 2017



An individual’s needs and problems influence his development to a great extent. Adolescence is a crucial period in the life of an individual with its characteristic needs and problems of adjustment.  

Every adolescent has certain needs, the satisfaction of which is essential to his continued physical and others aspects of development.  

A need is a tension within an organism which must be satisfied for the well being of the organism. When a need is satisfied the tension is released and the individual experiences satisfaction.  

There are certain basic needs which are functioning in every individual. They are broadly classified into Physiological needs.     

Primary or Physiological Needs: 

The fulfillment of physiological needs is inevitable because they are concerned with the very existence of the individual.

The need for oxygen, need for water and food, need for rest and sleep, need for sex gratification etc. are the important physiological needs.

Secondary or Socio-Psychological Needs:  

Needs that are associated with socio-cultural environment of an individual are called secondary needs. 

They are acquired through social learning and their satisfaction is necessary for the psychological well being of the individual. 
The important socio-psychological needs are as follows:

Needs for security: 

In addition to physical security, the adolescent needs emotional, social and economic security. 

The person who lacks the feeling of security may become maladjusted.

 The need for social security is associated with man’s desire for gregariousness. 

      Need for Love: Affection or love is one of the most basic psychological needs   of   the    adolescents. Adolescents have a strong desire to love and to be loved. 

       The   individual who is not loved will not deep proper attitudes and concepts concerning his own worth. Proper love will strengthen the individuals feeling of security. 

      Need for approval:
    There is a carving for recognition in adolescents. His ego gets satisfaction when he is recognized and approved. 

    The adolescent desire that he should be a center of attraction for the opposite sex and his abilities, intelligence and capacities should be recognized by others.

    The teachers should find out the field in which the pupil can shine very well and which help him to earn admiration from others.

     Need for freedom and independence: 

    Adolescence is a time when the individual is striving to wean himself away from the control of parents and elders.  

    He wants the right to give expression to his feelings, emotions and ideas. He feels annoyed and unpleasant when restriction is imposed on him. 

      Need for self-expression and achievement

      Every adolescent has an inherent desire for the expression of his potentialities. He may have a poet, musician, painter etc., hidden within him and he want to get adequate opportunities for the expression of his potentialities. 

     He experiences satisfaction when he succeeded in them and failure makes him depressed and disappointed. Hence the curriculum should be appropriate for every pupil so as to permit achievement for him.
                                                                  The End


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