Thursday 30 March 2017



An individual’s needs and problems influence his development to a great extent. Adolescence is a crucial period in the life of an individual with its characteristic needs and problems of adjustment.  

Every adolescent has certain needs, the satisfaction of which is essential to his continued physical and others aspects of development.  

A need is a tension within an organism which must be satisfied for the well being of the organism. When a need is satisfied the tension is released and the individual experiences satisfaction.  

There are certain basic needs which are functioning in every individual. They are broadly classified into Physiological needs.     

Primary or Physiological Needs: 

The fulfillment of physiological needs is inevitable because they are concerned with the very existence of the individual.

The need for oxygen, need for water and food, need for rest and sleep, need for sex gratification etc. are the important physiological needs.

Secondary or Socio-Psychological Needs:  

Needs that are associated with socio-cultural environment of an individual are called secondary needs. 

They are acquired through social learning and their satisfaction is necessary for the psychological well being of the individual. 
The important socio-psychological needs are as follows:

Needs for security: 

In addition to physical security, the adolescent needs emotional, social and economic security. 

The person who lacks the feeling of security may become maladjusted.

 The need for social security is associated with man’s desire for gregariousness. 

      Need for Love: Affection or love is one of the most basic psychological needs   of   the    adolescents. Adolescents have a strong desire to love and to be loved. 

       The   individual who is not loved will not deep proper attitudes and concepts concerning his own worth. Proper love will strengthen the individuals feeling of security. 

      Need for approval:
    There is a carving for recognition in adolescents. His ego gets satisfaction when he is recognized and approved. 

    The adolescent desire that he should be a center of attraction for the opposite sex and his abilities, intelligence and capacities should be recognized by others.

    The teachers should find out the field in which the pupil can shine very well and which help him to earn admiration from others.

     Need for freedom and independence: 

    Adolescence is a time when the individual is striving to wean himself away from the control of parents and elders.  

    He wants the right to give expression to his feelings, emotions and ideas. He feels annoyed and unpleasant when restriction is imposed on him. 

      Need for self-expression and achievement

      Every adolescent has an inherent desire for the expression of his potentialities. He may have a poet, musician, painter etc., hidden within him and he want to get adequate opportunities for the expression of his potentialities. 

     He experiences satisfaction when he succeeded in them and failure makes him depressed and disappointed. Hence the curriculum should be appropriate for every pupil so as to permit achievement for him.
                                                                  The End


Tuesday 28 March 2017

मेरी मिट्टी में बगावत भी बहुत थी।

कुछ तो तेरे मौसम ही मुझे रास कम आये ।
और कुछ मेरी मिट्टी में बगावत भी बहुत थी ।

निराशावादी मुश्कलों को उधार में लेते हैं।जबकि आशावादी, संकल्प वाले
लोग उत्साह को साथी बनाते हैं । वे उधार भी लेते हैं तो हिम्मत, साहस एवं अपने मतबूत भविष्य को, ताकी उसे ही लौटाया जा सके।

Monday 27 March 2017

Loosers did not get place in History

भूलो भूलो तुम खूब मगर यह याद रहे
 इतिहास थके स्वर को न शंख निज देता है 1
 इन घिसी हुई कलमों से खत न लिखो उसको 
वह सिफॅ जवानी का ही चुम्बन लेता है 1
Forget,  forget, but remember,
History did not support tied voice.
Don't write letters to History with used pen ( old one),
He kisses only younger one.

Sunday 26 March 2017

What is Dharma (That is established or firm), (Adharma - Not established or firm ), Vidharma (Heretic) and Religion? Part - 1

In this article we will discuss 4 things – 

1. Dharma (established or firm), 2 Adharma (Not established or firm  ), 3 Vidharma (Heretic) and 4 Religion.

Dharma is Science because science means Special knowledge means ‘Vises Gyan’ in Hindi. Dharma teaches us to live correctly. 

But for our won greed we have polluted it so it is necessary to remove that pollution so it’s time to remove that Ash from Dharma.

Oxford dictionary says about Dharma “ In Indian religion”, truth or law that affects the whole universe.

1. Dharma - 

The Classical Sanskrit noun dharma is a derivation from the root dhṛ.

Which means "to hold, maintain, keep", and takes a meaning of "what is established or firm", and hence "law".
It is derived from an older Vedic Sanskrit n-stem dharman-, with a literal meaning of "bearer, supporter", in a religious sense.

The word dharma derives from Proto-Indo-European root dʰer- ("to hold"), which in Sanskrit is reflected as class-1 root √dhṛ

Etymologically it is related to Avestan √dar- ("to hold"), Latin firmus ("steadfast, stable, powerful"), Lithuanian derė́ti ("to be suited, fit"), Lithuanian dermė ("agreement") and darna ("harmony") and Old Church Slavonic drъžati ("to hold, possess"). 

Classical Sanskrit word dharmas would formally match with Latin o-stem firmus from Proto-Indo-European dʰer-mo-s "holding", were it not for its historical development from earlier Rigvedic n-stem.

In Classical Sanskrit, and in the Vedic Sanskrit of the Atharvaveda, the stem is thematic: dhárma- (Devanāgarī: धर्म).

 In Pāli, it is rendered dhamma. In some contemporary Indian languages and dialects it alternatively occurs as dharm.

The meaning of word “dharma” depends on the context, and its meaning evolved as ideas of Hinduism developed over its long history. 

In earliest texts and ancient myths of Hinduism, dharma meant cosmic law, the rules that created the universe from chaos, as well as rituals.

In later Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and the Epics, the meaning became refined, richer, complex and the word dharma was applied to diverse contexts. 

In certain contexts, dharma designates human behaviours considered necessary for order of things in the universe, principles that prevent chaos, behaviours and action necessary to all life in nature, society, family as well as at the individual level.

Dharma encompasses ideas such as duty, rights, character, vocation, religion, customs and all behaviour considered appropriate, correct or morally upright.

 According to the authoritative book History of Dharmasastra, in the hymns of the Rigveda the word Dharma appears at least fifty-six times, as an adjective or noun. 

According to Paul Horsch, the word Dharma has its origin in the myths of Vedic Hinduism.

The Brahman (whom all the gods make up), claim the hymns of the Rig Veda, created the universe from chaos, they hold (dhar-) the earth and sun and stars apart, they support (dhar-) the sky away and distinct from earth, and they stabilise (dhar-) the quaking mountains and plains.

                                        Will wait for your comments.

Wednesday 22 March 2017



Dear Parent, School Teachers, Principles and Leaders of Society -  
We are not left untouched by recurrent media reports on bullying in schools, Society, Nabour. 

The glaring news of children turning either into juvenile criminals or victims of duels, harassment, even grave crimes like murders leave us skeptical about our children’s safety. 

It must be relieving for you to know that the school maintains zero tolerance policy against bullying of any sort. Yet it is imperative to be aware of the signs and solutions to this lurking hazard. 
 Any hurting behavior or communication repeatedly done on purpose to be little a fellow is bullying.

 As parents we must ensure that our child must not be on   mindful will go a long way in fortifying mentally and emotionally healthier young ones. 
         Refuses to include certain kids in play or study.
         Persists in certain unpleasant behavior
  • Desirous of being popular
  • Shows disrespect for children who are "different" 
  • Frequently teases or taunts other children
  • Constantly plays extremely aggressive video games
  • Hurts animals or weaker fellows
  •  Insecurity: Children bully because they feel insecure. Picking on someone who is emotionally or physically weaker makes them feel more important, popular, or in control.
  • Insensitivity: If children are not sensitized to accept others who are different in size, looks or religion, they do not realize that their behavior is hurting.
  • Observation of negative behavior: Kids who are exposed to aggressive interactions in the family or surroundings often learn to treat others the same way.
  • Lack emotional intelligence: In some cases, kids bully because they have trouble managing strong emotions like anger, frustration, jealousy or insecurity.
  • Take bullying seriously:  Communicate that you don’t tolerate bullying either at home, playground or school. Establish rules about bullying and stick to them. Teach more appropriate (and nonviolent) ways to react, like walking away or drinking a glass of water.
  • Teach kids to treat others with respect and kindness: Instill acceptance for  those who are different. They must know that it is wrong to ridicule differences (e.g. religion, appearance, special needs, gender & economic status). To inculcate kindness and compassion in children, we should regularly take them to the orphanages or old age homes or get them involved in some social work.
  • Learn about child's social life: Be aware of your children’s behavior in school and social circle.  Speak to the kids about their friends and pressures they face.
  • Encourage good behavior: Provide positive reinforcement. Take notice when children handle situations positively and praise them for it.
  • Be a good role model: Be careful about how you talk and handle conflicts when kids are around.
  • Environmental effects: If the family is going through a stressful life event that may have contributed to the child's behavior, reach out to the school authorities, school counselor or class teacher for help.
  • Management of negative emotions: Teach kids about positive ways to manage negative emotions like anger, jealousy, frustration or insecurity. Enroll them into some sport or co-curricular activity of their choice. In severe cases seek help from professional counselors.
  • Is reluctant or refuses to go to school
  •  Clams up when we try to discuss school
  • Does not want to participate in school activities or play with friends
  • Seems hungrier than usual after school - it might be a sign that someone is stealing his / her lunch
  • Shows signs of physical distress such as headaches, stomach-aches, or nausea
  • Looks for escapes to avoid going to class
  • Performance in school (grades, homework, attendance) suddenly declines
  • Acts sullen, angry, and frequently wants to be left alone
  • Uncharacteristically uses bad language
  • Shows marked behavior change
  • Has unexplained bruises or injuries

           Speak –Up: Help children understand the importance of reporting harassment. Tell them that it’s not their fault and they should report about the bullying.
          Imbibe skills: Teach kids how to be assertive without being aggressive in standing up for them. Work with them to strengthen confidence and find ways to deal with the problem.
          Seek Help: When something goes wrong at school, they should know that they can seek help from the class teacher and the school counselor.

 We need to work together to develop a bully free zone and to ensure the safety of our kids.


Friends my book "ROOTS INDIA" is coming in this month.  In this book one will get an Ancient Indian Literature from Veda, its Peri...